
UCL Faculty of Life Sciences


MRes Computational Cell Biophysics

At the forefront of interdisciplinary research

Research image and man and woman in lab coat

Are you a physicist, a biologist, a chemist or a mathematician interested in interdisciplinary research? This programme is for you!

Interdisciplinary approaches are rapidly being recognised as essential to address complex global challenges and drive forward scientific innovation. The MRes Computational Cell Biophysics is an innovative, research-focused programme designed to provide students with key skill sets. Students will undertake a major research project in a world-leading lab, integrating skills from physics, maths and computer science with biology. Students will learn image analysis, machine learning, big data and AI approaches, key skill sets that are high in demand by employers, from academia to industry.

We aim to train flexible, multi-faceted researchers representing the next generation of scientists and entrepreneurs.

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Programme overview:

  • Innovative and interdisciplinary
  • 9-month lab-based projects in world-class research groups
  • Students will learn essential programming and machine-learning skills
  • Students will learn to communicate across disciplines
  • Prepares graduates to pursue diverse careers in academia and industry

We are strongly committed to developing an inclusive and positive research culture and providing students with the support they need to succeed.

Programme details


Programme structure

The programme consists of a 9-month research project and two other compulsory modules. In addition, students select two optional modules from the list below. Previous coding experience advantageous but not required. If students need additional training in biology or coding, they can choose to attend additional tutorials.

Compulsory modules:

MRes Laboratory-Based Research Project in Biophysics (120 credits). Students will be given a diverse choice of projects offered by invited scientists across a wide range of UCL faculties. Each project will have two supervisors, one from the physical sciences and one from the biological sciences. Each project will be designed to address a fundamental biological problem. 

Research Techniques in Cell Biology and Biophysics (15 Credits). The MRes module will combine attending seminars from visiting scientists to UCL research departments, tutorials in cutting edge research techniques, with visits to UCL’s world leading facilities for imaging, high-content screening, bioinformatics, computation, nanotechnology, and material science.

Computational Cell Biophysics (15 Credits). Research-led teaching by scientists at the forefront of the biophysics research field provide  students with a conceptual and quantitative understanding of areas of physics that are relevant to biology.

Optional modules (30 credits):

Advanced Molecular Cell Biology (CELL0016, 15-Credit) 
Tissue Biology (CELL0024, 15-Credit) 
Interdisciplinary Cell Biology (CELL0017, 15-Credit) 
Advanced Practical Cell Biology (CELL0022, 15-Credit)
Cell Signalling in Health and Disease (PHOL0008, 30-Credit) 

Students choose their research projects at the start of their MRes.

Example research projects:

    •    Vertex modelling of lymph node dynamics during homeostasis and disease.
    •    Learning biophysical determinants of cell shape with deep neural networks.
    •    Using computer vision and machine learning to determine 3D cell shape in complex epithelia
    •    Coarse-grained molecular dynamics modelling of collagen networks
    •    3D mechanical modelling of effects of microgravity on tissue growth and repair
    •    Mathematical modelling of cell migration in self-generating gradients
    •    Modelling the mechanical evolution of the apical domain during differentiation of iPSCs into neuroepithelial cells
    •    Mathematical modelling of the role of calcium signalling in determining embryonic polarity
    •    Modelling morphogen gradient formation during growth and morphogenesis
    •    Inferring model parameters from experimental data
    •    Robotic artificial Selection of microbial communities
    •    Simulating artificial selection of microbial communities
    •    Understanding immune system group chemotaxis using microscopes and mathematical modelling
Potential supervisors
LMCB Group Leaders
IPLS Group Leaders
MRes Computational Cell Biology management team
Director: Yanlan Mao - LMCB Professor of Developmental Biophysics, co-Director Institute for the Physics of Living Systems
LMCB Programme tutor: Julie Pitcher - LMCB Associate Director (Education)
IPLS/Physics Programme tutor: 
Administrative support: Helena Ahmed - Education and Training Administrator



Who can apply:

  • Admits students from all sciences
  • UK and international students can apply

Find out about funding your studies here.

For queries, contact mres-ccb@ucl.ac.uk or Julie Pitcher (Programme Tutor) on Teams +44 20 7679 3040