
LMCB - Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology

26 January

New review in Disease Models and Mechanisms for the Acton Lab

A review in Disease Models and Mechanisms by the Acton Lab examines how lymphoid tissue function determines disease progression during infections, chronic inflammatory conditions and cancer.

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15 December

Harry Horsnell awarded Gabrielle Murphy Prize for Stromal Immunology

Harry Horsnell has been awarded the Gabrielle Murphy Prize for Stromal Immunology by the Australian and New Zealand Society for Immunology, for his work on lymph node homestasis and adaptation to immune challenges. Congratulations Harry!



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06 December

Catia Andreassi is awarded UCL Neuroscience Early Career Prize

Woman headshot

Catia Andreassi has been awarded the Runner-up UCL Neuroscience Early Career Prize (Advanced Category). Congratulations, Catia!

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30 November

New collaborative publication for Saiardi Lab in Cell Reports

New collaborative publication in Cell Reports for the Saiardi Lab, Javier Jiménez and Samuel Bru (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya). The work describes the biochemical identification and characterisation of the

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17 November

New publication in Advances in Biological Regulation for Saiardi Lab

In their new publication in Advances in Biological Regulation, the Saiardi Lab reveal an unforeseen complexity in the inositol pyrophosphate metabolism of the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum.

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08 November

New collaborative publication for Saiardi Lab


New collaborative publication in Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English for the Saiardi Lab.

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05 November

New collaborative publication in mBio for the Saiardi Lab

A new publication in mBio for the Saiardi Lab, in collaboration with Brian Mantilla (Durham University) and Roberto Docampo (Univ

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02 November

New publication in Biochem J for Ketteler Lab

In a new publication in Biochemical Journal, the Ketteler lab and colleagues at Eisai investigate the role of de-ubiquitinating enzyme USP30

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18 October

Inaugurual Y-NET Symposium

Y-Neet symposium logo

The inaugurual Y-NET Symposium - the Young Researchers Neuronal Epigenetics and Transcription Symposium - was held on 1st October 2021 and was judged by all to be a great success! Y-NET was attended by 179 participants from 71 different institutes distributed in 26 countries world-wide, and all with no technical glitches! 

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04 October

Kriston-Vizi | Technology Networks Analysis & Separations interview

In an article published in Technology Networks, Analysis and Separation, which explores screening strategies used in drug discovery, Janos Kriston-Vizi discusses the merits of high content screening.

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