
UCL Mathematical & Physical Sciences


Scientific Application of Quantum Computing

14 May 2019, 10:00 am–5:00 pm


Representatives from scientific communities and the world of Quantum Computing meet to discuss new opportunities for collaboration.

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to







Richard Catlow


LSE Bankside House
24 Summer Street
United Kingdom

Quantum Computing is a new important opportunity potentially bringing enormous benefits to scientific research. A number of companies and academic teams offer their experimental and commercial developments in this field for work in different areas of science and engineering. We are organising a meeting that will bring together representatives of the industrial and academic communities active in the world of quantum computing and computational scientists in materials science and related areas of physics, chemistry, engineering and life science.

Our aim is to highlight the new opportunities and explore what the quantum computing can offer us now and in the near future. For example, can quantum computing tackle our current computational problems that we address with "conventional" supercomputers and at what cost, what alternative approaches the quantum computing can offer us opening new avenues, perhaps, allowing to approach currently unfeasible tasks or impossible challenges?


Richard Catlow and Scott Woodley (UCL and MCC) and Matthew Hutchings (SeeQC)


10:00 Coffee, tea, hot chocolate and refreshments

Morning Session

10:30 Introduction and welcome

Richard Catlow (University College London, MCC)

10:35 Current and Projected Usage of HEC in Materials Chemistry

Scott M. Woodley (University College London, MCC)

10:45 Experimental Perspective on Challenges in Materials Science

Neil M. Alford (Imperial College London)

11:05 Millennial Challenges in Computational Materials Science

John Buckeridge (University College London)

11:20 Quantum Computing and its Near-Term Potential Within Materials and Chemistry. Part1. Engineering quantum bit: an introduction to quantum computing hardware

Matthew Hutchings (SeeQC)

11:35 Quantum Computing and its Near-Term Potential Within Materials and Chemistry. Part 2. Programming with quantum bits: an introduction to quantum computing algorithms

Steve Brierley (Riverlane)

11:50 The Complexity of Quantum Simulation

Stephen Piddock (Bristol University)

12:05 Hybrid Algorithms I: quantum computing using continuous-time evolution

Vivien M. Kendon (Durham University)

12:20 Hybrid Algorithms II: quantum advantages for optimisation, convex and non-convex

Nicholas G. Chancellor (Durham University)

12:35 Quantum Annealing for Quantum Simulation

Paul Warburton (Q-LABS, University College London)

12:40 Perspectives on Quantum Computing for Materials Simulation: Some early impressions from an industrial end user

Glenn Jones (Johnson Matthey Technology Centre)


13:00 Informal discussions

Afternoon Session I

14:00 Break-off round-the table discussions on quantum computing developments and use in materials chemistry, physics, engineering and life sciences with the following questions:

  • What are the potential scientific opportunities in the different fields represented at the meeting?
  • How do we promote collaborations between different scientific and quantum computing communities?
  • What mechanisms are needed to make progress?

Coffee, tea, hot chocolate and refreshments

15:30 Informal discussions

Afternoon Session II

16:00 Summaries presented by leaders and rapporteurs of break-off discussions and general discussion

17:00 Close of business

The meeting is open to members of our communities and free to attend but as the room is limited we ask you to register on this site.


HEC Materials Chemistry Consortium

