
UCL Mathematical & Physical Sciences


intranet archive

New staff intranet (all information from October 2019)

MAPS Faculty Researcher Induction

MAPS Faculty Researcher Induction provides new research and academic staff with an overview of the research support available at UCL, including the key teams and systems. This induction can be used to complement other induction resources that are already available at UCL and within individual departments, such as the UCL Research Staff Handbook and UCL Research Staff Code of Practice. Professional services staff that provide research support may also find this document helpful. For any queries about this Researcher Induction, please contact MAPS Faculty Research Coordinator, Cindy Li, at se.li@ucl.ac.uk.

MAPS Faculty Funding Alerts Bulletins

MAPS Faculty Funding Alerts Bulletins (FABs) are monthly newsletters published at the beginning of each month. FABs include funding opportunities, news on training and events, as well as links to other resources.  No subscription is needed. They will be circulated in your department by your departmental research officer or departmental manager. 

MAPS Faculty Caring Fund:

Caring Fund Guidelines (pdf)
Caring Fund Application Form (word)

(Information from October 2014)

Access to these files is restricted to MAPS staff and other approved users. If you require access, email maps.communications@ucl.ac.uk

Old staff intranet (all information prior to October 2014)

Annual MonitoringExams and Progression
Faculty MeetingsMAPS Subject Librarians
Research SupervisorsStaff Resources
Departmental TutorsDepartmental Learning & Teaching Strategies
Peer Observation of TeachingImpact studentships

Finding people/places