
UCL Mathematical & Physical Sciences


Code of Behaviour

We want everyone attending UCL activities to enjoy themselves, learn new things and to feel welcome, so we ask you to follow our behaviour policy.  

Behaviour Policy:

  • Act responsibly.  
  • Follow instructions from UCL staff and Student Ambassadors.  
  • Engage with the activities. Listen, and contribute your thoughts and questions at the appropriate times.
  • Arrive on time and attend all scheduled activities. Tell us in advance if you are going to be late or can’t attend.  
  • Do not attend UCL activities in possession of, or under the influence of alcohol, cigarettes, or illegal drugs.  
  • Don’t try to contact UCL staff and students through their personal emails or social media accounts.  
  • UCL staff and students must not contact you through their personal email or social media accounts.  
  • If a member of staff or Student Ambassador contacts you in this way, please tell a UCL staff member about it or tell your parent/carer so they can contact UCL.  

Anti-bullying policy Bullying can take different forms, such as:  

  • Physical – hitting, pushing, taking belongings  
  • Verbal – name calling, making nasty jokes, comments, or threats  
  • Emotional – excluding or ignoring people, gossiping about them  
  • Cyberbullying - sending bullying messages, pictures or videos through social media, texts, email etc.

UCL promotes equality and diversity.

We want all young people attending programmes to feel welcome and safe at UCL.

  • We will not tolerate bullying, whether at UCL, away from UCL, or online.  
  • You must show respect and kindness to classmates, UCL staff and Student Ambassadors.  
  • You must not make remarks that could upset someone based on their gender, sexuality, ethnicity, disability, religious beliefs, or lack of religious beliefs.   
  • If you notice that someone else is being bullied, inform a UCL staff member or Student Ambassador as soon as possible.
  • If you feel upset by the way someone on the programme has treated you, tell a UCL staff member, a Student Ambassador, your parent or carer or another trusted adult such as a teacher at school.

Serious misbehaviour

  • In the event of serious misbehaviour, such as fighting, bullying, attending a session under the influence of drugs or alcohol or use of offensive or inappropriate language or images, you will not be allowed to continue with the session or the rest of the programme (if applicable).  
  • We will contact your parent / carer to discuss it, and your teacher will be informed.  

What to do if you are worried about something  

If you feel worried about anything while you are attending a UCL session or programme, you are very welcome to speak to or contact the UCL staff organiser.  

If you feel uncomfortable about something at UCL, but don’t feel able to tell a UCL staff member about it, please talk to a trusted adult (this might be your parent, carer, someone in your family or a teacher at school) and ask for their help.  

Information for parents and carers  

Health, safety and supervision  

We take the safety and privacy of young people very seriously. Our child protection policy and reporting form, and our privacy notice, are available here: Widening Partcipation Policies 

Staff and Student Ambassadors attend child protection training. If working on programmes with frequent or regular contact with young people, staff and student staff have DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) criminal record clearances.   All our activities have risk assessments in place.  For in-person activity:

  • We are responsible for young people from registration until the end of the day. However, please note that we are not responsible for their safety when they are travelling to and from UCL.  
  • Young people are always supervised. Our campus is open to the general public; young people need to keep belongings with them and stay with supervising staff, so they do not get lost.  
  • We collect health, faith, dietary and access requirements before the programme. Please note UCL staff cannot administer medication, but we can supervise young people taking their own medicine.  
  • We will inform parents and carers as soon as possible if we become aware of a medical or health concern about a young person while they are attending an activity.