
Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering


Academic staff

Head of Department


Prof Andy Nisbet

Head of Department

Profile picture of Prof Andy Nisbet

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a profile picture of a man
Dr Erwin Alles

Lecturer in Interventional and Surgical Sciences

E: e.alles@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44 020 7679 7724 Ext: 37724
L: Room 8.23, Floor 8, Malet Place Engineering Building 

A profile picture of a man
Dr Andre Altmann  

Associate Professor

E: a.altmann@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44 20 3549 5631 Ext: 65631
L: Room 1.21, Floor 1, 90 High Holborn

a profile picture of a man
Dr Kirill Aristovich

Associate Professor

E: k.aristovich@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44 20 7679 0225 Ext: 30225
L: Room 2.07, Floor 2, Malet Place Engineering Building


Prof Frederik Barkhof

Professor of Neuradiology 

E: f.barkhof@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44 20 3108 7411
L: Room 1.16, Floor 1, 90 High Holborn


Prof Dean Barratt

Professor of Medical Image Computing

E: d.barratt@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44 20 7679 7406 Ext: 27406
L: Room 2.04, Malet Place Engineering Building
Room 1.01, Charles Bell House, 43-45 Foley Street

Prof Paul Beard

Professor of Biomedical Photoacoustics

E: paul.beard@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44 20 7679 0290 Ext: 30290
L: Room 3.02, Floor 3, Malet Place Engineering Building 

Dr Sergio Bertazzo

Associate Professor

E: s.bertazzo@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44 2076790444 Ext: 30444
L: Room 8.25, Floor 8, Malet Place Engineering Building

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a profile picture of a man
Dr Tapabrata Rohan Chakraborty


E: t.chakraborty@ucl.ac.uk
L: Malet Place Engineering Building

Dr Silvia Cipiccia

Associate Professor

E: s.cipiccia@ucl.ac.uk
L: Malet Place Engineering Building

Profile picture of Prof Matt Clarkson
Prof Matthew Clarkson

Professor of Biomedical Engineering

E: m.clarkson@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44 20 3549 5019 Ext: 65019
L: Floor 1, Charles Bell House, 43-45 Foley Street

Profile picture of Dr Richard Colchester
Dr Richard Colchester

Senior Research Fellow

E: richard.colchester@ucl.ac.uk
L: Room 2.21, Floor 2, Malet Place Engineering Building

Dr Robert Cooper

Associate Professor

E: robert.cooper@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44 2076790275 Ext: 30275
L: Room 8.24, Floor 8, Malet Place Engineering Building

Dr Catarina Isabel Correia Veloso Da Veiga

Associate Professor

E: c.veiga@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44 20 7679 2867 Ext: 32867
L: Room 8.19, Floor 8, Malet Place Engineering Building

Profile picture of a man
Prof Benjamin Cox

Professor of Biomedical Acoustics

E: b.cox@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44 20 7679 0292 Ext: 30292
L: Room 3.03, Floor 3, Malet Place Engineering Building

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Prof Adrien Desjardins

Professor of Biomedical Engineering

E: a.desjardins@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44 20 7679 2876 Ext: 32876
L: Room 8.23, Floor 8, Malet Place Engineering Building

Prof Nicholas Donaldson

Professor of Neuroprosthesis Engineering

E: n.donaldson@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44 20 7679 0265 Ext: 30265
L: Room 8.03, Floor 8, Malet Place Engineering Building

Profile picture of a woman
Dr Lynsey Duffell

Associate Professor

E: l.duffell@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44 20 3108 4083  Ext: 54083
L: Room 8.03, Floor 8, Malet Place Engineering Building

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A profile picture of a woman
Prof Clare Elwell

Professor of Medical Physics

E: c.elwell@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44 20 7679 0270 Ext: 30270
L: Room 3.04, Floor 3, Malet Place Engineering Building

Profile picture of Dr Marco Endrizzi
Prof Marco Endrizzi

Professor of Experimental Physics

E: m.endrizzi@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44 20 7679 4078 Ext: 54078
L: Room 1.18, Floor 1, Malet Place Engineering Building

Dr Nick Everdell

Senior Research Fellow

E: n.everdell@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44 20 7679 0267 Ext: 30267
L: Room 26, Floor 2, GowerLabs, South Wing

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Profile picture of Adam Gibson
Prof Adam Gibson

Professor of Medical Physics

E: adam.gibson@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44 20 3108 6486 Ext: 56486
L: Room 3.05, Floor 3, Malet Place Engineering Building

Dr Sarah Gulliford 

Associate Professor

E: s.gulliford@ucl.ac.uk

Profile picture of Dr Ziyan Guo
Dr Ziyan Guo

Lecturer in Interventional and Surgical Sciences

E: ziyan.guo@ucl.ac.uk

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Dr Charlotte Hagen

RAEng Principal Research Fellow

E: charlotte.hagen.10@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44 20 7679 0217 Ext: 30271
L: Room 2.04, Floor 2, Malet Place Engineering Building

A profile picture of a man
Prof Benjamin Hall

Professor of Computational Cancer Biology

E: b.hall@ucl.ac.uk

Prof Maria Hawkins

Professor of Radiation Oncology

E: m.hawkins@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44 20 7679 0262 Ext: 30262
L: Room 2.06, Floor 2, Malet Place Engineering Building

Prof Jem Hebden

Professor of Biomedical Optics

E: j.hebden@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44 20 7679 0280 Ext: 30280
L: Room 8.22, Floor 8, Malet Place Engineering Building

Prof Derek Hill

Professor of Medical Imaging Science

E: derek.hill@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44 20 7679 0320

Prof David Holder

Professor of Medical Physics and Clinical Neurophysiology

E: d.holder@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44 20 7679 0225 Ext: 30225
L: Room 2.07, Floor 2, Malet Place Engineering Building

Prof Joy Hirsch

Professor of Neuroscience

E: j.hirsch@ucl.ac.uk

Dr Yipeng Hu

Associate Professor in Surgical and Interventional Sciences

E: yipeng.hu@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44 20 7679 7422 Ext: 27422
L: Room 1a, Floor 1, Charles Bell House, 43-45 Foley Street


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Profile picture of Dr Henry Lancashire
Dr Henry Lancashire


E: h.lancashire@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44 20 3108 4083 Ext: 54083
L: Room 8.03, Floor 8, Malet Place Engineering Building

Profile picture of Terence Leung
Prof Terence Leung

Professor of Digital Health

E: t.leung@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44 20 7679 0272 Ext: 30272
L: Room 3.18c, Floor 3, Malet Place Engineering Building

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Dr Eleanor Martin

UKRI Future Leaders Fellow
Principal Research Fellow

E: elly.martin@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44 20 7679 7992 Ext: 37992
L: Room 3.18, Floor 3, Malet Place Engineering Building

profile picture of a man
Dr Evangelos Mazomenos

Associate Professor

E: e.mazomenos@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44 20 31 08 7154 Ext: 57154
L: Floor 2, Charles Bell House, 43-45 Foley Street

Dr Jamie McClelland

Associate Professor

E: j.mcclelland@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44 20 3549 5579 Ext: 65579
L: Room 8.19, Floor 8, Malet Place Engineering Building

Profile picture of Rob Moss
Dr Rob Moss

Associate Professor

E: robert.moss@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44 20 3108 4403 Ext: 54403
L: Room 2.05, Floor 2, Malet Place Engineering Building

Prof Peter Munro

Professor of Computational Optics

E: p.munro@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44 20 7679 7760 Ext: 3776
L: Room 1.18, Floor 1, Malet Place Engineering Building

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Prof Andy Nisbet

Head of Department

E: andrew.nisbet@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44 20 7679 0251 Ext: 20251
L: Room 2.18, Floor 2, Malet Place Engineering Building

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Prof Sandro Olivo

Professor in Applied Physics

E: a.olivo@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44 20 7679 2444 Ext: 32444
L: Room 2.03, Floor 2, Malet Place Engineering Building

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a profile picture of a man
Prof Quentin Pankhurst

Professor of Physics and Director of Institute of Biomedical Engineering

E: q.pankhurst@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44 20 7670 2901
L: Floor 3, Royal Institution, 21 Albemarle Street

profile picture of Prof Geoff Parker
Prof Geoffrey Parker

Professor of Healthcare Engineering, Imaging and Enterprise

E: geoff.parker@ucl.ac.uk
L: Malet Place Engineering Building


Prof Gary Royle

Professor of Cancer Engineering

E: g.royle@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44 20 7679 0262 Ext: 30262
L: Room 2.06, Floor 2, Malet Place Engineering Building


A profile picture of a woman
Prof Karin Shmueli

Professor of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Physics

E: k.shmueli@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44 20 7679 0256 Ext: 30256
L: Room 2.02, Floor 2, Malet Place Engineering Building

Dr Agostino Stilli

Associate Professor

E: a.stilli@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44 20 7679 7421 Ext: 27421
L: Room 1.C, Floor 1, Charles Bell House, 43-45 Foley Street


Profile picture of Prof Ilias Tachtsidis
Prof Ilias Tachtsidis

Professor in Biomedical Engineering

E: i.tachtsidis@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44 20 7679 0269 Ext: 30269
L: Room 3.18b, Floor 3, Malet Place Engineering Building

Prof Bradley Treeby

Professor of Biomedical Ultrasound

E: b.treeby@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44 20 3108 4308 Ext: 65431
L: Room 3.06, Floor 3, Malet Place Engineering Building

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