
UCL Faculty of Medical Sciences


Call for Abstracts: Brain-Body Interactions Symposium

Submit your abstract for the 2024 inaugural Brain-Body Interactions Symposium by Friday 09 August. The event will take place on Friday 11 October 2024 at UCL (schedule and location to follow).

The conference will be centred around how lifestyle factors influence brain health. This is an exciting opportunity to explore the intricate connections between the brain and body through investigations into nutrition, exercise, psychology, stress, sleep, aging, technology and the environment.

We are inviting contributions from anyone with university affiliation, from undergraduate students to tenured professors. 


  • Opening remarks by Professor Alan Thompson, UCL Pro-Provost for London and Dean of the UCL Faculty of Brain Sciences.
  • Closing remarks by Professor Paola Lettieri, Pro-Provost, UCL East.

UCL are pleased to welcome two international keynote speakers.

  • Associate Professor Christiane Wrann, Harvard University, USA: "Harnessing the Neuroprotective Effects of Exercise".
  • Professor Takeshi Hashimoto, Ritsumeikan University, Japan: "Lactate metabolism in exercise science - brain and skeletal muscle".

Symposium themes

Abstracts should fall within one or more of these themes:

  • Exercise neuroscience 
  • Sports psychology
  • Nutrition and the brain
  • Mind-Body medicine
  • Ageing and neurodegeneration 
  • Stress and neuroendocrine interactions
  • Sleep and cognitive function 
  • Neuroimmunology and psychoneuroimmunology
  • Pain and sensory systems 
  • Technology and brain-body interfaces 
  • Behavioural neuroscience 
  • Lifestyle factors and mental health

Session formats 

We invite you to submit an abstract for one of three possible session formats:

  • Poster session
  • 3 minute presentations
  • 10 minute highlighted talks 


  • Deadline for abstract submission is Friday 09 August.
  • Please include the title, abstract, author details and symposium theme(s) addressed
  • Abstracts should not exceed 300 words.
  • If the form does not load, please complete here.

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