
UCL Department of Space and Climate Physics


Ernest Rutherford Fellowship application process at MSSL now open!

4 June 2024

The deadline for preliminary applications for an Ernest Rutherford Fellowship at MSSL is 16.00 on Monday 1 July 2024.

UCL Ernest Rutherford event

Ernest Rutherford Fellowship applications at MSSL in 2024

1. Purpose of the Opportunity

Ernest Rutherford Fellowships (ERF) enables early career researchers with clear leadership potential to establish a strong, independent research programme. They encourage talented researchers in UK universities to remain in the country and at the same time attract outstanding overseas researchers to the UK. ERFs are intended for early career researchers who do not have an academic position. Each fellowship will last for five years.

2. Relevant STFC Regulations

The closing date for the 2024 fellowships round will be Tuesday 1 October 2024 at 16:00 Hours.

All information and documentation regarding the ERF 2024 opportunity can be found on the UKRI Funding Finder webpage.

Please note, there have been significant changes to the application process and the guidance for applicants. Applicants should read the guidance carefully.

The STFC apply a quota limit to the number of applications for each UK University Department. For the Department of Space and Climate Physics in 2024 the limit is 4 applications.

Candidates should not be put under any pressure to accept an offer to be hosted before the 17th July 2024.

3. Departmental Process

A Departmental Internal Review process will be held to consider potential ERF Applications, assess each one independently, and if necessary to select 4 from a larger pool.

Applicants should be associated with a Departmental academic sponsor, with whom the proposal has been discussed.

Preliminary applications should be submitted for internal review to the MSSL Head of Research, Mat Page (m.page@ucl.ac.uk) by 16:00 Monday 1 July 2024.

The candidate is asked to provide:

  • 1-page outline Science Case which should introduce research aims and why achieving them is important, timeliness of the proposed research, and an indication of the technical approach and work plan.
  • A completed ‘resume for research and innovation’ (R4RI) form. The template form is available for download on the UKRI website
  • A list of peer-reviewed publications (published and submitted).

The Departmental Academic Sponsor is asked to separately provide a letter of support (1 page max.) discussing eligibility, fit to Department/Research Group strategy, and the suitability of the candidate in relation to the published ERF assessment criteria including their track record.

A Departmental Committee will assess these preliminary applications and will give prompt feedback. The meeting date is expected to take place on 8th July 2024.

The Departmental Committee has been selected according to role within the Department, experience of fellowship selection panels, coverage of MSSL’s science areas, and EDI considerations. This year the Departmental committee will comprise:
Mat Page (Head of Research), Kinwah Wu, Andrew Coates, Louisa Preston

The criteria against which the applications will be judged are the following:

  • the excellence of the research achievements of the applicant;
  • the potential of the individual to lead their research discipline;
  • the capability to maximise the potential of others and the ability to be, or become, a clear communicator and disseminator of knowledge;
  • the excellence, timeliness, feasibility, distinctive vision and importance of the proposed research;
  • strategic value within the STFC programme;
  • fit to Department strategy.

If, after this process, the applications quota has not been reached, further late-emerging applications for internal consideration may be considered at the Head of Department’s discretion, until Wednesday 21 August.

We cannot offer a guarantee of a proleptic academic position to successful ERF candidates. Candidates who go forward to the STFC selection process are requested to keep the Head of Department and their academic sponsor informed of their progress.

4. Career Breaks, Diversity and Impact of Covid

MSSL welcomes returners to research from career breaks and applicants from diverse backgrounds and under-represented groups. The Departmental Committee will take into account the effect on productivity of a career break and that this may continue beyond the return to work. The Departmental Committee will also consider the unequal impacts of that COVID-19 related disruption might have had on the track record and career development of applicants.