
UCL Department of Space and Climate Physics


Lunar Dust Environment and Plasma Package (L-DEPP)

The Lunar Dust Environment and Plasma Package (L-DEPP) will analyse the properties of the levitated dust and plasma in the lunar environment. 2018

Lunar Dust Environment and Plasma Package (L-DEPP)

13 August 2018

ESA are planning a lunar lander mission as a precursor to human habitation of the Moon and eventually Mars. The Lunar lander mission is planned for launch in 2018

YouTube Widget Placeholderhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4EJSfdT90A


The mission objectives are to study new technology associated with propulsion and navigation as well as the planetology of the moon. The Lunar Dust Environment and Plasma Package (L-DEPP) will analyse the properties of the levitated dust and plasma in the lunar environment.