
UCL Centre for Nature Inspired Engineering


Free one-day workshop on ‘Surface & Pore Characterisation’ delivered on 28 March 2023

30 March 2023


A free one-day workshop on ‘Surface & Pore Characterisation’ was held at UCL Roberts Building on 28 March, catering for both beginners and experienced users of CNIE Research Facilities.

The program included talks from Prof. Marc-Olivier Coppens (UCL Centre for Nature-Inspired Engineering) and Dr Martin Thomas (Lead Scientist at Anton Paar), and was organised by Dr Han Wu.

The topics discussed were physisorption experiments (best practice), surface area analysis (t-plot, BET, micropores), and pore size analysis (micro-, meso-, macro-pores, DFT vs BJH, gas sorption vs mercury intrusion).

This event was sponsored by Anton Paar UK and UCL Centre for Nature Inspired Engineering (CNIE), part of UCL Chemical Engineering.

Many thanks to Nishil Malde for helping to organise this event.
