
UCL News


Dr Nick Merriman Wins Clore Leadership Fellowship

15 June 2004

Dr Nick Merriman (UCL Museums and Collections) has been awarded a Clore Leadership Fellowship.

Dr Nick Merriman 2004 marks the first year of the fellowship, an initiative of the Clore Duffield Foundation, which seeks to develop the skills and experience of potential leaders in the UK cultural sector.

According to the Rt Hon Chris Smith, Director of the Clore Leadership Programme: "We look for people who will become part of the next generation of leaders in the cultural sector. We look out for that imaginative spark that marks out a potential leader, someone who can innovate, energize and inspire, as well as deliver."

The fellowship was created in response to serious difficulties faced by organisations in the cultural sector, where issues such as staff retention, training and leadership development have proved problematic. Each fellow undertakes a bespoke year-long programme, which includes the acquisition of essential skills such as marketing, presentation and effective leadership.

Dr Merriman says: "I am very privileged to have been awarded the fellowship, which I feel will equip me with a much stronger skills set. Acquiring these skills is essential towards the development of a healthy cultural sector, and I believe the programme will enable me to enhance my role as project leader of UCL's Panopticon project."

To find out more about the fellowship use the link below.

Clore Leadership Fellowship