
UCL News


Violent Earth Exhibition

18 October 2005

UCL Art and Geology Collections have created a new interdisciplinary exhibition and programme of events inspired by UCL's Johnston-Lavis Collection of works of art, rare books, photographs and geological specimens.


Dr Henry James Johnston-Lavis (1856-1914) studied medicine at UCL, although he went on to become a renowned volcanologist. He was mainly interested in the volcanoes of southern Italy, particularly Vesuvius, and bequeathed his magnificent collection of books, paintings, engravings, volcanological photographs, and rock and mineral specimens to UCL, which are now cared for in the Geology Collections, UCL Earth Sciences, and in UCL Library Special Collections.

The exhibition 'Violent Earth: The Unique Legacy of Dr Johnston-Lavis' runs from 17 October 2005-28 April 2006 in UCL's Strang Print Room and continues into UCL Earth Sciences, first floor, South Wing. Curated jointly by UCL's Geology and Art Collections, it highlights his collection of images of volcanoes and earthquakes and explores their contribution to the modern study of geohazards.

UCL will rehouse its literary, artistic and cultural treasures in a brand new building located in the heart of London. Called the Panopticon, it will form a gateway to UCL and its fascinating heritage resources. The name of the building, which derives from Greek and means 'all visible', encapsulates the bold public vision that UCL has for its future and the future of its unique collections.

The exhibition will be complemented by a series of lunchtime gallery talks, which are free and open to the public. The Strang Print Room is open Monday-Friday, 1pm-5pm.

Image: 'Eruzione del 1810, Vesuvio', Anonymous (UCL Geology Collections)