
UCL News


UCL physicist presents research at House of Commons

4 December 2006

Dr Ilija Bizjak (UCL Physics & Astronomy) was one of 90 young physicists from across the UK who gathered for a reception at the House of Commons on 28 November 2006.

Ilija Bizjak

This annual event is organised by SET for Britain, and sponsored by Ed Vaizey MP. The scientists were presenting their cutting edge research to MPs to demonstrate how physics plays a crucial role in everyday life.

Dr Bizjak presented his poster 'In search for answers to fundamental questions'. He explained: "High energy physics tries to understand the building blocks of nature and their interactions by exploring what happens on extremely small scale. Although the basic questions tackled by high-energy physics seem rather philosophical, the researchers use purely scientific methods to find the answers. As a result of an immense theoretical and experimental effort over the past 50 years, we are now able to formulate some of the missing pieces of understanding. My poster summarises the research activities of the UCL group by presenting the 'bigger picture', explaining the link between the fundamental questions and what we are doing to search for answers."

The central aim of the event is to showcase frontier and groundbreaking physics research that is being undertaken by young researchers. It also shows how physics contributes to improving the UK's economy and the health and quality of life of the public. Approximately 50 MPs attended the reception and met with researchers from their constituencies.

Professor Keith Mason, Chief Executive Officer of the Particle Physics & Astronomy Research Council (PPARC) and former Director of the UCL Mullard Space Science Laboratory, said: "Events such as this which encourage dialogue between young researchers and MPs are invaluable in helping to increase wider understanding about the breadth and importance of the science area. I am delighted to see that so many researchers from the PPARC science area are taking part."

Image: Dr Bizjak