
UCL News


University of London Gold Medal win

26 January 2007

Jake Foster (UCL Medicine 2006) yesterday received the University of London Gold Medal for his outstanding performance in a special exam taken by the top one per cent of final-year medical students in London.

Jake Foster

Jake saw off competition from 20 other candidates in six successive five-minute oral examinations covering pathology, medicine, surgery, clinical pharmacology and therapeutics, obstetrics and gynaecology, and paediatrics. The examinations tested a range of areas including social and community relevance, recent advances, judgement and reasoning.

Sir Graeme Davies, Vice-Chancellor of the University of London, presented Jake with the medal at a reception held at UCL attended by UCL Medicine academics including Professor Mike Spyer, Dean and Vice-Provost of UCL Biomedicine; Professor Jane Dacre (Director of the UCL Academic Centre for Medical Education); Dr David Bender, Sub-Dean (Teaching); Dr Jean McEwan, Head of the Cardiovascular Repair and Remodelling Group; Dr Peter Raven (Faculty Tutor, Clinical Sciences) and Dr Paul Dilworth, Sub Dean (Welfare) and Associate Faculty Tutor.

In congratulating Jake, Sir Graeme Davies said: "There are great demands placed upon medical students which require real dedication. This Gold Medal acknowledges the unique effort made by the best of them, given that London medical schools produce over half of all the medical graduates in Britain and each medical school can submit only one candidate for every 75 of its students."

Jake Foster won several prizes during his time at UCL, including the Chinnock Jones and Hill Prize in Pathogenesis and Prevention. He is currently undertaking a year's training at the Royal United Hospital in Bath. In addition to the medal itself, he received £500.

The Gold Medal was introduced in 1903 and has been won 47 times by candidates from UCL and its constituent medical schools: The Middlesex Hospital Medical School, The Royal Free Hospital Medical School and University College Hospital Medical School. Former winners include Alexander Fleming in 1908, most famous for his discovery of penicillin.

Image: Jake Foster, with the University of London Gold Medal