
UCL News


UCL conference - The Regulatory State: Constitutional Implications

11 November 2008

An international conference on 'The Regulatory State: Constitutional Implications' is being organised by the United Kingdom Constitutional Law Group, based in the UCL Faculty of Laws, on November 14 and 15.

Topics to be covered include:

•    The Credit Crunch and the Constitution;
•    Politics and Regulation;
•    Regulation and the EU;
•    Public and Private Regulatory Rule-making.

Professor Richard Macrory (UCL Laws) will present on 'Rethinking Environmental Sanctions - Revolution or Nightmare?' and Professor Dawn Oliver (UCL Laws) will present on Regulation and Democratic Oversight."

"In the wake of the financial crisis, the regulatory state has become a major focus of attention," says Professor Oliver. "The subject is also of central importance in relation to climate change, the environment and many other current issues."