
UCL News


New portal launched for teaching and learning staff

19 January 2012

UCL has launched a new Teaching and Learning Portal.

teaching learning portal It provides teaching and learning-related resources and materials alongside advice on current issues. It also explains a variety of teaching methods - both classroom-based and online - and allows UCL colleagues to communicate around Teaching and Learning via a virtual staff room.

The site has been created with three aims:

  • to highlight the innovative teaching taking place across UCL through news stories and features
  • to provide teaching and learning-related resources and reference materials
  • to allow users to communicate easily with each other around Learning and Teaching at UCL

The virtual staff room, which is password-protected and accessible to UCL staff only, allows those interested in teaching and learning to discuss ideas and queries in a forum and share videos, sound clips and images with their colleagues.

Another useful feature of the portal is the contacts page, which acts as a signpost to teams within UCL that can provide further support, such as the UCL Centre for the Advancement of Learning and Teaching (CALT) and the UCL Learning Technology Support Services. The portal also offers practical guidance on implementing institutional priorities as well as making available the strategic documents themselves.

Professor Anthony Smith, Vice-Provost (Education), said: "I am very pleased that such a comprehensive website has been launched. I believe it will become a valuable resource to everyone at UCL involved with teaching and learning. It is already a showcase for projects and good practice and more will be added."

"Innovation is key to building on UCL's already excellent reputation for teaching and learning and I hope the portal will be a source of ideas and inspiration."

For enquiries about the Teaching and Learning Portal, or if you would like your or your department's work to be featured in the news section, contact editor Ele Cooper by emailing ele.cooper@ucl.ac.uk or calling 020 7679 5992 (ext. 45992).

"Innovation is key to building on UCL's already excellent reputation for teaching and learning and I hope the portal will be a source of ideas and inspiration."

Professor Anthony Smith, Vice-Provost (Education)

To take a look at the new Teaching and Learning portal, visit the link below.

Related links:

Access the Teaching and Learning Portal
UCL Centre for the Advancement of Learning and Teaching (CALT)
UCL Learning Technology Support Services