
UCL News


Support for UCL students over the Easter period

15 March 2016

Many services across UCL will be closed from 5:30pm on Thursday 24 March and will reopen on Thursday 31 March.

Daffodils in the Quad

However, there is plenty of support still available to you over this period.

Out of hours support

UCL have a dedicated 24/7 support line: UCL 24/7 Student Support Line is a free and confidential wellbeing support service which is available around the clock, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Find out more about the service here: 

UCL Student Psychological Services

If you need support during the Easter period, you can find help and information on the UCL Student Psychological Services website, which also has information on crisis support, if needed.

UCL Student Disability Services

For disabled students, there is information on the UCL Student Disability Services website.


If you are unwell over the Easter break and think that this may affect your revision for examinations, you should consult your GP and submit a medical note as an extenuating circumstance to your academic department.  

If you have an accident or a medical condition that means that you might be eligible for special assessment arrangements, such as additional writing time or rest breaks, you should seek advice from UCL Student Disability Services in the first instance after Easter and we will do our very best to help you.

Study abroad

If you are a student currently abroad and you require emergency assistance, please contact your travel insurance provider on the emergency number. 

If you will be staying on your placement over all or part of the Easter period, don't forget that you can always contact the UCL Global Student Assistance Programme should you need any advice or a listening ear. The service, which is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, provides independent, impartial support and guidance on a wide variety of legal, financial and personal matters. 

For further helpful information to assist you while you are abroad, visit the UCL Study Abroad website.

Travelling abroad

If you are travelling abroad over Easter, please be careful with your personal belongings, particularly your passport and visa if you are an international student. If you lose either of these documents, please see information on the International Student Support website for the steps you will need to follow.

Money matters

For useful information regarding financial support, please visit the UCL Financial Assistance website. 'Myfamilyclub' also has some useful information regarding emergency financial support over the holiday period. 

If you need to contact the UCL Student Funding Office, please email: studentfunding@ucl.ac.uk and we will get back to you as soon as possible after the university closure period.

Halls of residence

If you are staying at a UCL halls of residence over the Easter period, you will be able to follow the usual lines of communication for support. The warden teams are available and residents should call the duty number if they are experiencing any difficulties.

Library opening arrangements

Many libraries at UCL are open over the Easter period. In fact, the Main Library, Science Library, Cruciform Hub and some learning spaces are open 24-hours throughout the break! Further details regarding library opening times over the Easter period can be found on the UCL Library Services website.

Gower Place Practice

Over the Easter period the surgery will be closed from Good Friday 25 March and will re-open on Tuesday 29 March. For full details of their opening times, please visit the Gower Place Practice website.

Things to do over Easter

UCLU's Volunteering Services Unit (VSU) has activities you can get involved with over Easter and beyond, including lots of one-off volunteering events

You can also take a look at the VSU's 'Get happy - get involved' website for information on how volunteering can improve your well-being and to find out how to get started.

UCLU's 'What's on' guide has details of other events scheduled over the Easter period.

There are religious services all over London over the Easter period, and if you would like details of services near to where you live, you can visit the UCL Chaplain website or contact the Reverend Charlotte Bradley: c.bradley@ucl.ac.uk, or tweet her at @uclchaplain.

International Students House is a charity dedicated to British and international students in London, and they have events on throughout the year.

If over the Easter period you feel alone or sad, make sure you speak to a relative, friend or even call the Samaritans. The Samaritans can be contacted on 116 123 at any time and everything is discussed in confidence. 

Many branches also offer facilities for you to come in and talk to a volunteer face-to-face, if you prefer. Check your local branch information to see if it offers this service (it's best to phone ahead to make sure a volunteer is definitely available, and to let them know you are coming).

In an emergency, always phone 999 or make your way to the accident and emergency department at your local hospital. The closest accident and emergency department to UCL is at University College Hospital, located on Euston Road.

If an incident happens during this period, or indeed at any time, it should be reported to UCL Security by calling 222 internally or externally using 020 7679 3333.

Keep yourself busy over Easter to stop yourself feeling low - there are lots of things to do!

Wishing you all a happy, healthy and safe Easter!

UCL Student Support and Wellbeing