
UCL News


14 July marks International Non-Binary People’s Day

12 July 2024

International Non-Binary People’s Day aims to celebrate and raise awareness of non-binary people, and the issues they face around the world.

The Nonbinary Pride flag, with four coloured stripes from top to bottom of yellow, white, purple and black.

‘Non-binary’ is an umbrella term for people whose gender identity doesn’t sit comfortably with ‘man’ or ‘woman’ - some people can feel, for example, that their identity and experience of gender includes aspects of being both a man and a woman, or that it is fluid, or that it lies completely outside the binary. Gender identities and experiences can also change over time, and the term covers a huge and varied range of identities. 

International Non-Binary People’s Day was first celebrated in 2012 and takes place every 14 July – a date specifically chosen to lie halfway between International Women’s Day (on 8 March) and International Men’s Day (on 19 November). 

Please take a look at the resources listed below, which outline support available to LGBTQ+ people at UCL – plus links and further reading to help you learn about diverse gender identities and create a more inclusive environment on campus. 

Resources and networks for students

Resources and networks for staff

  • UCL’s LGBTQ+ Equality Steering Group is open to all lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer staff and those interested in promoting LGBTQ+ equality at UCL, and also steers the Out@UCL staff social network.     
  • UCL’s Trans Network is for staff and mature and PhD students at UCL who identify as trans (including non-binary, genderqueer and all other identities not identical with the gender assigned at birth).   
  • The LGBTQ+ STEM network is for members of the LGBTQ+ community allies working in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) discipline. 

Further reading