
UCL News


Much of world's fossil fuel reserve must stay buried to prevent climate change

8 January 2015

A study by Dr Christophe McGlade and Professor Paul Ekins (both UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources) has found that large amounts of fossil fuel reserves should remain in the ground if global warming is to stay below the 2°C target. Read: Guardian, More: BBC News, BBC News (2), Independent, Daily Mail, Telegraph, Guardian (2), Scotsman, The Week, Reuters, New Scientist, National Geographic, The Engineer, Time, Globe & Mail, CBC News, Sydney Morning Herald, Times of India, China Post, Naked Scientists, UCL News, Listen: BBC Radio 4 'Today' (from 49 mins 20 secs), More: BBC Radio 4 'Six O'Clock News' (from 24 mins 7 secs)