Prof. Kris Thielemans and Prof. Brian Hutton
The UCL Medical Physics Group undertakes basic research related to Nuclear Medicine and Multimodality Imaging.
This currently encompasses a range of projects including design of novel SPECT systems, development of new reconstruction algorithms and development of image analysis techniques that aim to reduce artefacts and improve quantification.
- The group is largely dependent on external funding through grants (EPSRC, EC, BRC) and industrial collaboration (Siemens, GE, GSK, National Physical Laboratory).
- The group has joint research projects with the UCL Centre for Medical Image Computing with several individuals there now working on Nuclear Medicine related projects (along with Professor Simon Arridge).
- The group attracts many visiting scientists.
- Regular INM Physics seminars are organised, open to scientists in the London region.
Further information about medical physics research at INM
- INSERT: A new multi-modality SPECT/MRI system
- Respiratory motion correction
- Image reconstruction in emission tomography
- Kinetic Modelling
- Improved Quantification in the Lung for PET/CT in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
- Partial volume correction in neuro-imaging
- Texture analysis: Quantifying Heterogeneity to provide novel imaging biomarker in oncology