
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


Introduction to Behavioural Science

Learn to incorporate behavioural insights into the workplace.

The workshop

 Behavioural science has exploded over the last decade, and is now used in many organisations, including charities, government departments and private companies. This course will bring you up to speed on the basics and the latest developments in this field, showing how behavioural insights can be used to achieve success within your organisation. 

Topics covered

In this online workshop, over two mornings, we will cover:

  • Heuristics and biases
  • Decision-making
  • Risk and uncertainty
  • Social influence

 You will learn through a combination of taught content and interactive case studies. By the end of the course, you will have a good understanding of the basics of behavioural science - and feel confident to start applying behavioural interventions in your own workplace. 

When & where

New dates to be announced. This can be commissioned for a group at any time.

Online workshop, over two mornings (X2 3 hours).

Who is it for?
  • For anyone passionate about human behaviour and psychology.
  • All professionals interested in designing behaviour-change interventions in their sector, e.g. policy-makers, program managers, product designers, consultants etc.
  • This is a foundations course for people with no knowledge or little background in behavioural science.

Adam Harris 
Adam's research focusses on effective decision-making, and communicating risk and uncertainty. He has worked with several organisations, including the British Geological Survey, the Food Standards Agency, the Football Association, the Met Office and DSTL.

Alicia Melis
Alicia investigates the psychology supporting teamwork and prosocial behaviour. She works with children and with chimpanzees to explore how our social skills develop, and how insights from our closest-living primate relatives can inform our understanding of human behaviour.

Dave Lagnado 
Dave studies how people make decisions in an uncertain and changing world, with a focus on causality. He has written two books, Straight Choices and Explaining the evidence: How the mind investigates the world. Dave has worked with US intelligence, UK government, and various financial and tech companies, such as BlackRockNokia and Huawei.

Nichola Raihani
Nichola's research focusses on the intricacies of human social behaviour. She is author of The Social Instinct: What Nature Can Teach Us About Working Together; and has worked with several organisations, including JustGivingCentrepointInternational Hotel Group and Ogilvy.

Stephen Dewitt
Stephen studies how people reason, make decisions and solve problems both as individuals and in groups. He has worked with several organisations, including HM Land Registry and Southern Water.


Early Bird fees: £645
Standard Fees: £735

Contact Changing Minds for other possible discounts (e.g. Group bookings, UCL Alumni).