
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


Information for participants

If you're aged 11-18 and go to school in England or Wales, you might be eligible to take part in our study!

Take part in our new study on adolescent mental health!

Fill in this form to sign up, or keep reading to find out more.

YouTube Widget Placeholderhttps://youtu.be/qvxTtehR7KQ


What's the study about?

We're researching how adolescents process emotions, and how this relates to their mental health. By doing this, we will improve our understanding of what kind of mental health treatment works for who, and why. This means we can then improve the support that's offered to young people struggling with their mental health.

Why get involved?

Too many young people who experience mental health difficulties don't get the right support. We want to change that, but we need your help. Participating in our research will help us better understand why some young people respond to treatment but others don't. By taking part you'll get to:

  • learn more about psychological research
  • help other young people get better support in the future
  • receive shopping vouchers as a thank you for your time

What does participating involve?

There are three main parts to our study. You can participate in just one of these, two, or all three:

  1. Answering some questionnaires on a mobile phone app. This will involve answering various questions about your mental health and how you feel. It will also involve answering a few questions about how you feel 5 times a day, every day for a week. This will happen twice - once at the beginning of the study, and once at the end.
  2. Playing some games on a mobile phone app. There are 2 games that we will ask you to play on the mobile phone app. 
  3. Having a brain scan. Some study participants will be invited to watch a film inside a brain scanner. This is completely optional, and will only be offered if you are eligible and can travel into London.

How can I get involved?

If you want to find out more or get involved, please fill out this form. We will then send you more information and a link to a consent form. If you are aged under 16, we will also share some information for you to share with your parents or carers, as they will have to give their consent for you to be involved.