
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


Dr Stephanie Stanton-Fay

Research Associate
Tel:0207 679 7573 (ext 27573)
Email: Stephanie.Stanton-Fay@ucl.ac.uk
Profile: UCL IRIS profile

Stephanie is a behavioural scientist specialising in health psychology.  She is a trained Mental Health First Aider and qualified Coach, providing workplace coaching within UCL. Stephanie joined UCL in 2016 to work with Prof Susan Michie on the DAFNEplus project, evaluating and revising a structured education programme for effective lifestyle management of type 1 diabetes. Prior to this she worked for the World Cancer Research Fund on evidence linking diet and lifestyle factors with cancer incidence and survival.

Stephanie completed her PhD on psychological factors affecting overconsumption and obesity at the Queensland University of Technology, where she also worked on a number of diverse health research projects including an intervention to improve hospital hand hygiene.

Stephanie’s research interests include the aetiology of health-related behaviours, notably eating behaviour, and the role of these behaviours in the formation and management of chronic disease.