
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences



Number skills are essential for educational success and participation in society. Learning the spoken count word sequence (“one”, “two”, “three”…etc.), and learning the association between spoken numbers and written Arabic numerals (e.g. “twenty” = 20), provide the foundations for calculation and all sorts of number skills in everyday life.

Children with developmental language disorders (DLD) frequently struggle to build these basic number skills. We have developed the SWAN app to help with this. Its uses gaming technology to enhance learning. A small study with typically developing children showed promising results. We are now working to improve the game and make it suitable for the particular needs of children with DLD.

YouTube Widget Placeholderhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDcLDJktOYo

At the moment we are not looking for people to take part, but please visit our website again to hear about the findings of the project we've just finished,

If you would like to be contacted about future projects involving the SWAN therapy game, do get in touch with the project team via email: swanproject@ucl.ac.uk