
UCL School of Pharmacy


MPharm Student View

We caught up with some of your current students to find out what they thought of our MPharm course. Here's what they told us.


Purple drug vials

Natalie Chieng

Tell us about yourself

I am an international student at UCL. I was born and raised in Singapore - I stayed in Singapore for all my life (18-19 years) before coming to London for university. In secondary school, I did the Singapore-Cambridge GCSE O-Levels for 11 subjects (Language Arts, Elementary Math, Additional Math, Chinese, Higher Chinese, Pure Chemistry, Pure Biology, Pure Physics, Geography, Half-Social Studies, Half-Literature) and was a straight A student (ironically, except for Chinese and Higher Chinese haha).

Before university, I completed the International Baccalaureate (IB) at one of the best IB schools in the world (Anglo-Chinese School, Independent) and received 43 points with AB for EE and TOK. The subjects I took were HL Bio, Chem and Math with SL Business Management, Language & Literature and Chinese. My Extended Essay was a Biology EE on the bioremediation of nitrates in contaminated water sources using duckweed.

What do you enjoy most about studying on the MPharm programme at UCL?

I love that we are taught by professors who are renowned for being experts in their respective fields. These are people who have an established track record of being in research or in the clinical field, and who have written textbooks used widely over the UK. The most I enjoy is learning from professors who are very passionate about their fields - they radiate an infectious energy that I can't help but be drawn to.

I also greatly enjoy meeting diverse people of different backgrounds and walks of life, to share different perspectives and opinions, and at the same time to come together to understand one another. Furthermore, I really like that we have our own building where everything happens - from lectures to workshops to tutorials to labs etc. It creates an amazing sense of belonging and attachment to the building that I am currently feeling now as a fourth and final year student (':

What advice would you give to anyone starting at the School of Pharmacy in September?

My advice? Be excited!! UCL SOP has so many brilliant learning opportunities to offer, and I wouldn't have chosen differently even if I went back in time. But it's also important to be prepared - being a pharmacy student by nature is difficult with regards to the number of contact hours and content you need to learn. But it's also incredibly fulfilling to see your work pay off in the form of great patient care.

Last but not least, being a student isn't just being an academic student but also being a holistic one. Get involved in the 120398 clubs and societies that UCL has to offer, and fill up your plate as much as you can to enrich your university experience! After all, you only go to university once.

Kevin Chew

Tell us about yourself

I am currently a final year MPharm Pharmacy student at UCL.  I am from Malaysia, a multiracial and multicultural country in South East Asia.  I chose to read Pharmacy in university because of the various post-graduate options available with a Pharmacy degree.

What do you enjoy most about studying on the MPharm programme at UCL?

MPharm is a highly integrated course which provides students with the breadth of knowledge required in workplace.  I thoroughly enjoy learning about different aspects of healthcare such as clinical skills, pharmacy practice, pharmacology, chemistry, drug formulations, global health, just to name a few.  Most of teaching staffs in UCL School of Pharmacy are engaging in ground-breaking research that can potentially have a tremendous impact on the world.  It is truly a privilege to be able to learn from experts in their respective field about a particular subject.

What advice would you give to anyone starting at the School of Pharmacy in September?

Enjoy university life as much as you can!  It will be an extremely rewarding journey throughout your time in UCL School of Pharmacy.  If you need any help, be it academic or non-academic related matters, the School of Pharmacy is always ready to give you maximum support.

Naseem Zehra

Tell us about yourself

I am from Pakistan, but I was born and raised in the UK. For high school, I attended Woodcote Secondary School where I completed my GSCEs, and for Sixth Form I attended Wallington High School for Girls. This was a grammar school where I completed my A levels.

What do you enjoy most about studying on the MPharm programme at UCL?
I enjoy the environment of UCL because it is very diverse, and the location is perfect if you are fond of London. The teaching staff are very friendly and always ready to help. The course structure includes different forms of teaching e.g., placements, group work, labs, and workshops. I like the different teaching styles; it prepares you for pharmacy practice outside university.

What advice would you give to anyone starting at the School of Pharmacy in September?
I would advise students to get involved in university as much as possible and to enjoy this first year because it is easiest year in terms of content. They should make the most of UCL not just SOP, but also the main campus, and they should explore the societies. Also, organise themselves as the MPharm degree is not a walk in the park. It requires full commitment. It is an intense degree, however if you are organised it is manageable.

Yasmine Lahlouh

Tell us about yourself

My name’s Yasmine and I’m currently a third-year pharmacy student at UCL from Algeria. I grew up in West London and attended Ellen Wilkinson Sixth Form where I achieved AAB at A-Level in Biology, Chemistry and Economics. Most days you can find me in the student centre, but when I’m not, I’m probably trying out different places to eat in London with my friends!

What do you enjoy most about studying on the MPharm programme at UCL?

The thing I most enjoy about the MPharm degree is that it’s so broad and doesn’t just focus on one specific area. There’s a great balance between pharmaceutical science and clinical pharmacy that we’re taught, and I love that we really get to apply our knowledge on the placements that we go on.

In addition to this, I love the fact that the School of Pharmacy is a separate building to the main campus because it means that you really get to know everyone in the school and in your year. At the same time, it’s only a few minutes away from the main campus so I can also go and study there in the student centre or the main library whenever I want a change in atmosphere. It’s the best of both worlds!

What advice would you give to anyone starting at the School of Pharmacy in September?

Have fun! These 4 years will go by so quickly and it’s important to appreciate university life especially in first year. Try and really get to know your course mates and make friends, attend societies and have fun attending one of the best universities in the world that’s based in the heart of London. Also don’t be shy! If you ever need any help, I can guarantee that if you just go up to one of the students in the older years, they’d be more than happy to help you!

Farhana Binti Azizan

Tell us about yourself

I’m Farhana, a fourth year MPharm student in UCL School of Pharmacy. I am originally from Malaysia, did my A-level there, and came here to UCL in 2017.

What do you enjoy most about studying on the MPharm programme at UCL?

The best part about UCL is the amazing support from the staffs and the MPharm cohort. I love the learning environment here. Everyone has been really helpful and supportive of each other. I never felt I was left alone throughout my whole 4 years as a student here. Everyone, including the UCL staff, has been so kind and they would help you with literally anything.

What advice would you give to anyone starting at the School of Pharmacy in September?

My advice to prospective students? Do look forward to coming here to School of Pharmacy. If you come here to become a successful pharmacist, there’s no reason why you wouldn’t end up one. We have the best lecturers here who would give their all to support with your education. It has been a great experience for me, now it’s your turn!

Hugo Pang

Tell us about yourself

I am from Hong Kong and I have started living in London since the age of 11.

What do you enjoy most about studying on the MPharm programme at UCL?

I enjoy learning how medicines work within our body and getting the opportunity to manufacture some tablets, cream and ointments.

What advice would you give to anyone starting at the School of Pharmacy in September?

Try to join different societies in Year 1 because as your workload increases in Year 2 and 3, you would have fewer spare time to be involved in societies. Simply enjoy your university life to its fullest!