
UCL School of Pharmacy


UCL School of Pharmacy Patients and Public Event 24th June 2024

5 June 2024

Research Culture Event: UCL School of Pharmacy is holding a Patient and Public Event on the 24th June. This aims enable cross-collaboration and learning from patients and funders focussed on people living with conditions.

Photo of School of Pharmacy Research Away Day

The School of Pharmacy will be hosting a Research Culture event to enable researchers to engage with patients and the public for cross collaboration in research.

The event brings together researchers with patients and the funders that support patients. This aims to seed opportunities for researchers to connect with the communities that support patients, improve their communication and help them best deliver impact for public and patient benefit.

This event is for researchers who want to understand the priorities for charity funders and to connect with patients and public, and members of the public interested in current research at UCL School of Pharmacy.

Outline Schedule:

14:00: Introduction and welcome

14:15: Short introductions from charity funders

(Talk themes: Connecting with community and delivering impact for public and patient benefit. Key research questions of the funders and engagement with patient groups)

14:45: Panel with patients and public

(Covering the following themes: What do patients and public want to understand from research and researchers? How do they like to learn about research into their condition? How best to engage with patients and public?)

15:30: Lay/Plain English Research Posters and networking over a tea break

16:30: Close (Poster prize decided by patients/public)

All welcome to attend

School of Pharmacy Patient and Public Event Registration

Please register by Friday 14th June.

Patients interested in contributing to the sessions can register their interest by contacting Dr Zoe Waller z.waller@ucl.ac.uk by the 10th June 2024


Fiona Marquet f.marquet@ucl.ac.uk

Dr Zoe Waller z.waller@ucl.ac.uk