
UCL Policy Lab


The Respect Agenda: new report shows voters prioritise respect

28 September 2023

A new report from the UCL Policy Lab and More in Common sets out how we can reset our politics and rebuild faith in our institutions by prioritising respect for ordinary people.

Read | The respect agenda: how respecting ordinary people can help us rebuild our politics

Read the full report. 

A new report from the UCL Policy Lab and More in Common sets out how we can reset our politics and rebuild faith in our institutions by prioritising respect for ordinary people.

Authored by Professor Marc Stears, Director of the UCL Policy Lab, and Luke Tryl, Director of More in Common, The Respect Agenda finds that too often, ordinary people feel their concerns overlooked. What’s more, they are frustrated by how those in power seem indifferent to workers' views—particularly those without degrees.

As Professor Marc Stears, Director of UCL Policy Lab puts it, the issues have been building for some time and are a barrier to tackling the challenges facing the country.

“For too many years we have talked about ‘left behind communities’ and the need to ‘level up.’ Now we discover millions of people across the country feel that they are not given the respect they deserve, by their politicians or many of their key institutions. It is time for this to change and for leaders of all kinds to work together to build a future that respects the potential contribution of us all.”

The research also shows the electoral possibilities of focusing on respect. As Luke Tryl, Director of More in Common, sets out, voters are clear about the importance of respect even if politics isn’t.

“As the countdown to next year’s General Election begins in earnest voters are clear what they most want to see and hear from politicians – an agenda of respect.”

A central finding of the report is identifying who the public feels is respected by those in power, and who isn't. 

“The public think that for too long those in power have offered respect based on the size of someone’s bank balance or the number of letters after their name rather than on how they contribute to our country and their local communities.” Says Luke Tryl. 

The UCL Policy Lab has worked with research colleagues and community partners on a project called Ordinary Hope, funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, to explore the implications of this respect agenda. It will shortly be releasing a special edition of the UCL Policy Lab magazine featuring voices from economics and political science exploring how Britain’s institutions could better meet people's appetite for a new agenda for respect.  

Professor Lindsey Macmillan, Ordinary Hope project member and Director of the Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities at IOE believes that the project creates a real opportunity for collaboration. 

“At a time when we face so many challenges, the Ordinary Hope project seeks to shift the narrative, to collectively energise people from all walks of life towards a future that we can all play a part in designing.”

To find out more about Ordinary Hope and the UCL Policy Lab work, sign up for their newsletter

Read the full report.