
UCL Summer School


Your application

Applications for the UCL Summer School are open now.

Completing your application 

Applications are made via our online application portal.

Apply now

Please refer to our Application Guidance Notes to help you complete your application form. 

To complete your application you will need to: 

  1. select a preferred module and alternative module – see module selection below; 

  1. submit your most recent academic transcript

  1. submit your English language qualification (if applicable); 

  1. submit a personal statement (250 words) outlining why you are applying to the UCL Summer School and how you meet any additional prerequisites, if applicable, for both your preferred and alternative module.

  2. pay the £60 application fee

If you are not able to complete the application form immediately, you can save the form, log out and return later.  

Before submitting your application, please ensure that all sections are complete and you have included all relevant documentation.  

If you are unable to obtain a transcript, please upload an academic reference by a member of teaching staff at your university which includes comments on your academic performance and predicted grades.

Application deadlines

Applications for Session One or Both Sessions may be considered at the discretion of the Head of the Summer School subject to availability of places.

All applications for Session Two will be considered until 19 June 2024. 

Places are offered on a first come first served basis, so we recommend applying as soon as you are able to. 

Module selection

When completing the application form, you will be asked to identify two modules: a 'preferred' module and an 'alternative' module.  

You will only study one module in each session, but all modules are subject to minimum participation requirements and maximum capacity numbers.  

Please refer to Your study for information on module levels and credit transfer. 

Explore our modules 

Next steps 

Once you have submitted your application form, we will respond within five working days to update you on the status of your application. 

If your application is successful, you will receive a formal offer of a place on the programme. Once you have accepted your offer and paid the tuition fees, you will receive a letter confirming your place on the programme. However, please note that this confirmation letter does not guarantee your participation on a specific module.  

Module confirmation 

Information on the selection, offer and availability of modules, and your rights to cancel your place on the programme is set out in our Sections 2, 3 and 8 of our Terms and Conditions.

Group applications 

If you work at another university or organisation and are interested in submitting a group application, please contact us at summer@ucl.ac.uk


Below you can find the tuition fees for the 2024 UCL Summer School. 

The fees below cover the complete cost of tuition.  

Tuition fees 

One Session 


Both Sessions 


It is free to apply before 1 March, but for applications received on or after this date, there is a £60 application fee.

To secure your place on the Summer School you will need to pay your fees in full. Details of how to pay your fees will be provided as part of the application process. 

For information on the cost of staying at a UCL summer residence, please visit our Accommodation page. 

Many modules include excursions in and around London and the costs of these excursions (e.g. entrance tickets) are also included in the tuition fees. There may be additional travel costs on these excursions (the average cost is £20-30 per module). In the unlikely event that additional expenses exceed £30, this will be stated on any offer letters associated with the relevant module. 

Visa information

You may be required to apply for a visa before entering the UK. 

Visa information