
Sarah Parker Remond Centre


Saffron East

Racism and Racialisation

PhD group


Saffron East

Saffron East is a historian of modern Britain, researching Black political identity in C20th (South) Asian-majority activist organisations. Her PhD, which is in its final stages, uses archival material and Oral History to explore Indian Workers’ Associations, the Asian Youth Movements and Southall Black Sisters in the 1970s. She is the creator of the Olivette Otele Paper Prize at the Institute of Historical Research’s postgraduate seminar, History Lab, and is more broadly interested in tackling racism in academia (as well as outside of it!). She is also PGTA Rep at UCL-UCU. Please feel free to get in touch to discuss experiences, methodologies, pedagogy, collaboration in activism, etc.

Email: saffron.east.18@ucl.ac.uk  |  UCL PGTA Campaign: @UCLPGTAs

Recent article on contemporary antiracism: Rejecting political Blackness isn’t an excuse to erase solidarity between South Asian and Black communities, gal-dem, March 2021