
UCL Research Domains


Steering Group

The Collaborative Social Science Research Domain's activities are overseen by a cross-UCL Steering Group composed of academics from a broad disciplinary spectrum

Steering Group

Our members are UCL researchers with social science interests who have demonstrated a commitment to cross-disciplinary collaboration, or non-social science members who are committed to deepening research by collaborating with social scientists.  Members advise, and contribute to, the Domain’s wide ranging activities.  The Steering Group meets once a term and is chaired by Professor Carey Jewitt, Professor of Learning and Technology, Knowledge Lab, Culture, Communication & Media, IOE, UCL.  The Domain also enjoys the goodwill of numerous researchers across UCL who also support our activities.
As a founding member of the Steering Group, I have witnessed the ways in which the collaborative social science domain has developed to provide a vital focus for the consolidation and development of strategies for the promotion of social sciences at UCL.  Given the spread of expertise in social sciences across UCL the domain nurtures opportunities for researchers to engage with the value of social science perspectives to develop interdisciplinary research and support research impact.

Fiona Stevenson 

Professor of Medical Sociology, Director of the institute of Epidemiology and Health Care, Primary Care & Population Health, Population Health Sciences, UCL

Our Members

NamePosition/Department Faculty
ECR Coordinating Group Representative  
PhD Coordianting Group Representative  
Dr Ozan AksoyAssociate Professor (Social Science), Social Research InstituteIOE
Dr Henriette Bruun

Director of Research Facilitation, Coordination & Planning (LASH&IOE), Research Innovation & Global Engagement (RIGE) 

Professor Ayona DattaProfessor of Human Geography, GeographySocial and Historical Sciences
Professor Emily Dawson

ECR Champion, CSSD / Professor of Education, Science and Society, Science & Technology Studies

Mathematical & Physical Sciences

Professor Ann Griffin
Deputy Director, Medical School / Director Research UCL Medical Education,  Professor of Medical Education Research, UCL Medical School Medical Sciences
Professor Ian HamiltonVice-Dean (Research), Bartlett / Professor of Energy, Environment and Health, Bartlett School Env, Energy & ResourcesBartlett (Built Environbment)
Dr Lasana Harris

Senior Lecturer in Social Cognition, Experimental Psychology, Psychology & Language Sciences

Brain Sciences
Professor Carey JewittChair, CSSD / Professor of Learning and Technology, Knowledge Lab, Culture, Communication & MediaIOE

Dr Agnieszka Kubal

Lecturer in Sociology, School of Slavonic and East European Studies School of Slavonic and East European Studies
Professor Peter Munro Vice-Dean (Research), Engineering Sciences, Professor 

Professor of Computational Optics, Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering

Engineering Sciences
Dr Aaron ParkhurstAssociate Professor, AnthropologySocial and Historical Studies
Professor Praveetha PatalaySenior Lecturer in Quantitative Social Science,  MRC Unit of Lifelong Health and Ageing (Faculty of Population Health Sciences) and Centre for Longitudinal Studies (UCL Institute of Education)Population Health Sciences
Michael ReadeDomain, Strategic Coordinator, Research Facilitation (LASH&IOE), Research Innovation & Global Engagement (RIGE) 
Professor Fiona StevensonProfessor of Medical Sociology / Director of the institute of Epidemiology and Health Care, Primary Care & Population HealthPopulation Health Sciences
Professor Katherine Twamley

Chair, UCL Sociology Network / Associate Professor of Sociology, Social Research Institute

Professor Marcos Vera HernandezProfessor of Economics, EconomicsSocial and Historical Sciences
Professor Gabriella ViglioccoProfessor of Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Psychology and Language SciencesBrain Sciences