
UCL Research Domains


UCL Data Strategy Report

Members of UCL are invited to contribute to the development of UCL's data strategy report.  We are interested in your experiences, opinions and ideas regarding data intensive research at UCL and what the research environment should look like in 10 years' time. We are focusing on the following (see word document for further details):

1. The need for UCL to improve its environment for data intensive research?

2. Improving access to data at UCL

3. Improving data curation, use and reuse at UCL

4. Improving support for researchers and staff at UCL

Please submit written evidence to eresearch@ucl.ac.uk

The UCL Data Strategy Report will reflect the high level academic vision of how UCL's working environment can be improved to support data intensive research, including policies, procedures, resources, infrastructures, service, systems etc. And to make recommendations on how UCL can best achieve this vision and the associated potential benefits. If you submit evidence we will share the draft report with you for comments.

This project is led by the cross-faculty Data Strategy Working Group which was established by the eResearch Domain in response to concerns raised by several faculties. We will submit the report to RIISG (Research Information and IT Services Group) in our capacity as its Research Delivery subgroup. For those not familiar with RIISG, it is responsible for all IT services aimed at serving the specific needs of the research community at UCL and is accountable to David Price  and the Information Services Governance Committee (ISGC).

If you have any questions please get in touch. Thank you in advance for your contributions.