
UCL Research


Research support teams

Find out more and access contact details for our Research support teams and people.

About UCL Research, Innovation and Global Engagement (RIGE)

Our central research support teams sit within Research, Innovation and Global Engagement (RIGE), led by Professor Geraint Rees, UCL Vice-Provost RIGE. RIGE oversees UCL’s research strategy to provide a supportive environment for world-leading research across UCL’s 11 faculties.

In addition to our central research support teams detailed below, RIGE also includes our teams in:

Contact relevant teams or for general enquiries, contact rige@ucl.ac.uk.

Meet our UCL research support teams

Click on name to contact by email.


Professor Geraint Rees
Vice-Provost (Research, Innovation & Global Engagement)
Executive Assistant: Michelle Czechak

Sarah Chaytor
Director of Strategy & Policy, and Joint Chief of Staff
Executive Assistant: Blessed Amadasun

Nicholas Tyndale
Director of Strategy & Impact, and Joint Chief of Staff    
Executive Assistant: Blessed Amadasun

Executive Assistants

Michelle Czechak
Executive Assistant to Prof Geraint Rees

Blessed Amadasun
Executive Assistant to Graeme Reid, Sarah Chaytor and Nicholas Tyndale

Toni Blunden
Executive Assistant to Paul Ayris, David Bogle and Ciaran Moynihan

Juliet Aghion
Executive Assistant to Kathryn Walsh and Henriette Bruun 

Victoria Grey-Edwards
Executive Assistant to Matt Davis

Research Strategy, Policy, Impact & Communications

Nicholas Tyndale
Director of Strategy & Impact, and Joint Chief of Staff    

Sarah Chaytor
Director of Strategy & Policy, and Joint Chief of Staff

Liz Almond
Head of Research Communications & Events    

Flavie Belanco
Communications Officer 

Simon Knowles
Head of Coordination – Sustainable Development Goals 

Tadhg Caffrey
Head of Impact (Research & Institutional)

Dr Amy Beckett
Impact Manager (Social Sciences)

Steve Rolling
Impact Manager (Arts & Humanities)    

George Bilitsis
Impact Manager (Natural Sciences & Engineering)

Dr Jayne Watson 
Impact Manager (Life & Medical Sciences)

Grace Gottlieb
Head of Research Policy

Prof Graeme Reid
Chair of Science & Research Policy  
Executive Assistant: Blessed Amadasun


Jeremy Barraud
Director of Operations

Piera Gerrard
Head of Planning

Mandy Crumley
Financial Planning Manager

Alison Williams
Committee Officer

Adnan Ali
Governance and Delivery Coordinator

UCL Public Policy

UCL Public Policy is UCL’s institutional initiative to support engagement between academic researchers and public policy professionals.

Sarah Chaytor
Director of Strategy & Policy, and Joint Chief of Staff
Executive Assistant: Blessed Amadasun

Dr Olivia Stevenson
Deputy Director of Public Policy    

Katherine Welch
Deputy Director of External Partnerships 

Dr Sinéad Murphy
Public Policy Engagement Coordinator

Dr Alice Tofts
Public Policy Fellowships Coordinator

Flavie Belanco
Communications Officer

Dr Robyn Parker
UCL CAPE Project Manager

Evaluation & Reporting

The team is responsible for coordinating the preparation and submission of UCL’s REF data. Information for UCL staff is available on the UCL REF Sharepoint (UCL login required).

Andrew Cooper
Director of Evaluation & Reporting    

Adam Cresswell
Head of Reporting and Evaluation

Karen Wishart
Evaluation Support Manager

Research and Innovation Services (RIS)

Our Research and Innovation Services team provide dedicated, specialist support throughout the research and innovation lifecycle to help sustain and advance UCL’s position as a world-class, research-led university. 

Awards Services

View all team members in Awards Services.

Daniela Amadio
Director of Award Services

Contract Services

View all team members in Contract Services.

Saniyah Testa
Director of Contract Services Transformation

Compliance and Assurance

View all team members in Compliance and Assurance.

Gail Adams
Director of Compliance and Assurance

Planning, Insight and Improvement

View all team members in Planning, Insight and Improvement.

Sinéad Kennedy
Director of Planning, Insight and Improvement

Departmental Contacts

Access the contact spreadsheet for departmental contacts (UCL login required).

Research Coordination Office for Life and Medical Sciences

The Research Coordination Office for Life and Medical Sciences works to support and promote cross-disciplinary research communities and collaborations, increase the success of research funding applications, and develop UCL’s health-related research strategies. View all key contact in the Research Coordination Office for LMS (UCL login required).

Matt Wakelin
Director of Research Coordination and Planning

Research Facilitation & Coordination Office for LASH and the IOE

The Research Facilitation & Coordination Office for LASH and the IOE supports researchers from across the UCL Faculties of Laws, Arts and Humanities, and Social and Historical Sciences, and the School of Slavonic and East European Studies (LASH) and the UCL Institute of Education (IOE), UCL's Faculty of Education and Society, to identify potential funding sources for their research and develop strong applications with the best possible chances of success. View all key contacts in the Research Facilitation & Coordination Office for LASH and the IOE (UCL login required).

Dr Henriette Bruun
Director of Research Facilitation & Coordination

Research Coordination Office for BEAMS

The Research Coordination Office for BEAMS provide support to researchers within The Bartlett, Engineering, and Mathematical & Physical Sciences (BEAMS) community to identify research funding opportunities and develop strong research proposals. They also coordinate large-scale strategic bids. View all contacts in the Research Coordination Office for BEAMS

Dr Matt Davis
Director of Research Facilitation & Coordination (BEAMS)   
Executive Assistant: Victoria Grey-Edwards

UCL Doctoral School

The Doctoral School is the cross-university support platform for UCL's postgraduate research community, committed to enhancing UCL's early careers researchers experience. View all key contacts in the Doctoral School.

Prof. David Bogle
Pro-Vice Provost (Doctoral School)

Elizabeth Halton

UCL Grand Challenges

UCL Grand Challenges convenes cross-disciplinary collaborations to explore interconnected solutions to a range of societal issues. View all key contacts in UCL Grand Challenges.

Dr James Paskins
Assistant Director, UCL Grand Challenges

Siobhan Morris
Assistant Director, UCL Grand Challenges 

UCL Research Culture

The UCL Research Culture team works in partnership with the research community to facilitate, manage and deliver research culture initiatives. View all contacts in UCL Research Culture (UCL login required).

Emma Todd
Director, UCL Research Culture

Contact the Research Culture team
For general enquiries

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