
UCL Department of Risk and Disaster Reduction


EDI event: supporting people to thrive through menopause

27 March 2024, 2:00 pm–3:00 pm

A group of women chatting

What is the menopause and how can we support staff and students experiencing it?

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to

UCL staff | UCL students






Mumtaz Abdul-Ghafoor – UCL Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction

It is estimated that there are around 13 million people who are currently peri- or menopausal in the UK (Wellbeing of Women) which is equivalent to a third of the entire UK female population. So the chances are if you're not experiencing menopause yourself, you might know or work with someone who is. Join our expert speaker Dr Shema Tariq in this online event exploring what menopause is, how it impacts work and strategies for supporting colleagues and students. 

This event is open to everyone at UCL.


Dr Shema Tariq is a Senior Research Fellow at UCL's Institute for Global Health and Consultant HIV and Sexual Health Physician at the Mortimer Market Centre, where she set up and leads one of the UK's leading menopause services for people living with HIV.

Shema has a longstanding clinical and research interest is sexual and reproductive health, particularly menopause, and is passionate about improving public knowledge and awareness about reproductive and post-reproductive health. She is part of the UCL team leading the development of the UK's first ever national menopause education and support programme: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/global-health/uk-national-menopause-education-and-support-programme 

How to book

This event will take place online. Click on the booking link above to register and login details will be sent to you.

If you have any problems registering for this event, please email irdr-pgr@ucl.ac.uk