
UCL Department of Risk and Disaster Reduction


IRDR Taster Lecture: Safety and Security by Prof David Alexander

6 August 2020

As part of the IRDR Taster Lecture series Prof David Alexander will present a webinar on 12th August 2020 examining Safety and Security: How Civil Protection Grew Out of Civil Defence

Uniformed workers at disaster site

This is the story of how emergency management evolved into two parallel but highly connected systems in response to society's changing needs for safety and security. Civil defence has ancient origins but in its modern form it began in the 1930s and grew and developed during the Second World War. It underwent a further metamorphosis in the Cold War, and another reorientation in the aftermath of "9-11" in the United States. As the decade of the 2000s wore on, it acquired an ever stronger focus on homeland security and counter-terrorism. As civil defence is fundamentally centralised at the national level, civil protection grew up as the coordinated local response to hazards and disasters. Civil protection has matured to the point at which it is a parallel system to civil defence, providing safety as a counterpart to security.

This event has now passed but you can watch the recording of the event on our YouTube channel.