Head of Department safety responsibilities are published in UCL's Organisation and Arrangements for Safety and are as follows:
- The preparation, annual review and authorisation of the organisation and arrangements specific to each department for managing health and safety including confirmation of the departmental Responsible Persons Register
- Ensuring the allocation of the necessary resources including the appointment of Departmental Specialist Officers and competent persons
- The setting of departmental safety objectives and action plans to manage the risks including those identified by the UCL Fire risk Assessment process
- The identification of activities critical to their business continuity and preparation of plans to minimise the impact of a major incident, in conjunction with the overall UCL plan and including arrangements for all relevant persons who have restricted mobility, sensory disabilities or who are temporarily incapacitated
- Ensuring all new members of staff and full-time postgraduate research students complete the health and safety induction requirements
- Ensuring the competence of employees including the maintenance of records on the appropriate UCL systems e.g. training records
- The identification, assessment and review of significant risks and ensuring the planning, implementation, monitoring and review of measures to control the risks
- Ensuring that all persons who may be affected by the department's activities understand the arrangements for health and safety and have access to the necessary information
- Establishing local consultative health and safety arrangements or, in low risk departments, placing health and safety as a standing item on the agenda of the departmental management committee if a departmental health and safety committee is not justified
- Making explicit and documenting the co-operation and coordination responsibilities and arrangements where workplaces are shared with other UCL departments and other employers
- Ensuring all activities undertaken on behalf of UCL are carried out by, or supervised by, competent people who have the necessary authority to meet their responsibilities
- Ensuring adequate supervision of all students and visitors to UCL
- Ensuring that their areas of control and responsibility meet statutory and UCL safety standards
- The planning, implementation, monitoring and review of measures to control risk arising from the activities of their department
- Reviewing the health and safety performance and adequacy of existing health and safety arrangements of the Department in accordance with agreed standards