
Safety Services


Fire doors - helping you stay safe

23 September 2020

In everyday use a fire door is just like any other door but if a fire was to ignite the fire door, unlike any other door, must perform its prime purpose – to protect lives by preventing the passage of the fire to other parts of the building or to another building.

Fire doors fulfil a life-saving role in preventing the spread of smoke and fire for a period of time dependent on its fire classification. 

We encourage everybody to carry out regular inspections of fire doors to ensure that the door is providing the necessary passive fire protection required to prevent the rapid spread of fire. 

5-step fire door check

  • Certification Look for a label or similar marking to show it is third party certified (heritage doors may not have a certification)

  • Signage Are the blue fire safety signs clearly displayed on both sides of the door?

  • Gaps and Seals Check the gap around the door frame is constant around 3-4mm and the intumescent seals are fitted at the top and side of the door

  • Closers and Hinges Does the self-closer shut the door onto the latch from any position? Are all hinges firmly fixed to the door and not missing any screws

  • Operation The door should be free from damage and not wedged open or obstructed

If you identify any ill-fitting or damaged fire doors, let fire@ucl.ac.uk know.