Calibration of Radiation Monitoring Instruments
29 April 2021
Radiation Protection Supervisors (RPSs) must arrange for radiation monitoring instruments - such as contamination monitors - to be calibrated once a year at least.
Radiation monitoring instruments that are out-of-date for calibration or faulty must not be used, and should be removed from the work area. The instruments will have a sticker on them showing the date that it was last calibrated or when it is due for re-calibration. Contamination monitors ("yellow monitors”) can be calibrated by Radiation Physics at the UCLH Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Department.
To arrange calibration:
1. Check the monitors are in good working order, free from contamination and with working batteries
2. Complete a calibration request form and send it to
3. Raise a purchase order (£50 per monitor) choosing this supplier:
UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Income Services
Finance Department
250 Euston Road
London NW1 2PG
4. Drop off the monitor(s) and purchase order(s) at:
Radiation Physics
Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
Level -2, EGA Wing
235 Euston Road
London NW1 2BU
For more information including on organisations that calibrate other types of radiation monitoring instruments (such as dose-rate meters), contact the Radiation Protection Team.