
Safety Services


Temporary arrangements for the use and return of dosimetry badges

23 March 2021

Due to the lockdown, temporary arrangements have been agreed with the UCLH dosimetry service. Please note the following arrangements only affect those departments that receive dosimetry from UCLH. Those on the Royal Free campus are unaffected.

The following temporary arrangements apply:

  • January dosimetry badges should be used for February and March too.
  • April dosimetry will only be available to departments that requested it when they were emailed by the Radiation Protection Team at the end of February.
  • Departments will need to collect April dosimetry badges directly from the dosimetry service.  The Radiation Protection Team will email Radiation Protection Supervisors when a badge is ready for collection.
  • Arrangements for dosimetry will return to normal from May. 

Unreturned dosimetry badges

Provision of the dosimetry service is a significant cost to UCL.  Over 200 badges have not been returned leaving a bill of over £8000 for replacements.  Any outstanding dosimetry badges from 2020 should be returned as soon as possible to:

Radiation Physics
Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
Floor -2
EGA Wing
235 Euston Road
London NW1 2BU