
Safety Services


Safety Alert - Safe storage of controlled substances

29 September 2021

Departments to review security arrangements for the storage of controlled and hazardous substances following an attempted theft from a secure laboratory.

Attempted theft of controlled substances from a secure laboratory was reported after the research team returned from leave. The secure storage used for the controlled chemicals was found intentionally damaged allowing access to the chemicals inside. There were no signs of forced entry to the laboratory.

What you need to know

Departments need to review their storage arrangements for controlled biological and chemical substances to ensure they are present, secure and access is only permitted to authorised people.

  • Is access restricted to only those with permission to use the substance? 
    • Biological and chemical substances should be stored in a secure area with card access control
    • Those substances that require a higher restriction should be in a separate locked and labelled cupboard
    • For the highest hazards, a log of who removes the substance from storage and how much is used and returned to storage should be kept
  • Is access secure? 
    • Lock combinations should be regularly changed to ensure that access is restricted to those people who should have access
    • A log of keys and their whereabouts should be kept so that the department knows the location of all its keys
  • Is the storage of hazardous substances safe?
    • Chemical substances must be compatible with the temperature, humidity and proximity to other hazardous chemicals whilst being stored
  • Is the amount of the substance monitored?
    • Departments must keep a log to record the amount of substances in storage so that if a theft takes place, it will be noticed and action can be taken

Access to secure areas

A door access card system controls who can open the door to a secure area but if the door is left open, anybody can walk through it.

Even though people may be tempted to hold the door open for people following them, or prop open a door to allow airflow or to minimise the need to touch it for COVID-19 security, this could allow an opportunity for unauthorised people to access. 

In addition to the health and safety risk from having unauthorised people in secure areas, it is also a security matter. Theft of controlled substances will need to be investigated by external authorities.