
Safety Services


Responsible Persons Register – linking department and location

22 May 2023

By keeping your Responsible Persons Register current, we can maintain accurate and relevant information, enabling effective communication, accountability, planning, compliance and emergency response.

In order to effectively manage health and safety at UCL, each department appoints individuals to carry out specific tasks, such as first aiders, DSE assessors and fire evacuation marshals (FEMs) to name a few. Linking the relevant department and location in a Responsible Persons Register adds a crucial layer of information providing clarity regarding the responsibilities and roles of each individual listed in the register.

Departments must designate a Register Co-ordinator who will be responsible for updating and maintaining the register and ensuring that it reflects the current and accurate names of Responsible Persons within your department.

Why is it important to keep the responsible persons register current?

  • Clear identification  by indicating the department and organisational unit to which each responsible person belongs, we can identify the specific area or function for which they are responsible.
  • Collaboration and co-ordination  when working on projects or initiatives that involve multiple departments, having the department information readily available in the register allows for efficient collaboration and co-ordination.
  • Workflow optimisation  the department information can be used to route enquiries to the appropriate person in the department ensuring efficient and effective handling of tasks.
  • Department-specific responsibilities some responsibilities may be specific to certain departments. By including the department information in the register, it is evident which individuals are accountable for these specialised responsibilities.

Co-ordinators must link their department to the responsible role

It is important that when entering a person into the register that they are 'linked' to the relevant department and location for each role they are nominated. This is not an automatic process and must be completed manually every time a person is assigned to a role.

> How to edit a Responsible Persons Register

Where can I get further information?

riskNET: Responsible Persons' Register


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