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Ishai Rimmer and Sean Steadman are showing at The Averard Hotel, 10 Lancaster Gate, London W2 3LH for Slate Projects from 9 - 31 January 2016 open Thursdays - Sudnays 12noon - 6pm.

Aaron Angell, Pablo Bronstein, Benedict Drew, Mikhail Karikis, Jessica Warboys and Bedwyr Williams have been selected for British Art Show 8, which opens at Leeds City Art Gallery, The Headrow, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS1 3AA, from 9 October 2015 - 10 January 2016. See

Tour dates:

Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Talbot Rice Gallery, University of Edinburgh, and Inverleith House, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh - 13 February - 8 May 2016

Norwich University of the Arts and Norwich Castle Museum and Art Gallery 24 June – 4 September 2016

John Hansard Gallery and Southampton City Art Gallery 8 October 2016 – 14 January 2017

Kanad Chakrabarti, Jin Han Lee, Juntae TJ Hwang and Hilde Krohn Huse have been selected for Bloomberg New Contemporaries 2015. See

Tour dates:
Nottingham: One Thoresby Street, Backlit and Primary from 18 September to end of October 2015, supported by additional activity at Nottingham Contemporary, New Art Exchange and Nottingham Castle.
ICA, The Mall, London SW1 5AH, from 24 November 2015 to 24 January 2016.

Data in the 21st Century
Data in the 21st Century, 2015

Data in the 21st Century


Martin John Callanan is showing in Data in the 21st Century at V2, Institute for the Unstable Media, Eendrachtsstraat 10, 3012 XL, Rotterdam, from 18 December 2015 - 14 February 2016. See

Gideon Rubin is in conversation with Gabriel Coxhead, at 7pm on Wednesday 10 February 2016, at ArtReview Bar, 1 Honduras Street, London EC1Y 0TH. See See also Gideon Rubin, published by Art/Books.

Deborah Padfield has been awarded a UCL Beacon Bursary for Public Engagement for a film on pain, live event and interdisciplinary conference at UCL on pain and its communication Encountering Pain: hearing, seeing, speaking - Pain under the Microscope which will take place in July 2016.

We are saddened to learn of the passing of esteemed painter and theatre designer Yolanda Sonnabend who studied at the Slade School of Fine Art from 1955 – 60, taught on the Slade’s revered Theatre Design course, and became an honorary fellow of UCL. A tribute can be found on