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Elisabeth S Clark is showing in Camera Camera Nice at Hotel Windsor, 11 Rue Dalpozzo, 06000 Nice, France, from 22 - 25 November 2018.

Warm Worlds and Otherwise
Warm Worlds and Otherwise, Anna Bunting-Branch

Image for show at Wysing Arts Centre, October - December 2018

Anna Bunting-Branch has a solo show, Warm Worlds and Otherwise, at Wysing Arts Centre, Fox Road, Bourn, Cambridge, CB23 2TX, from 7 October to 9 December 2018. See

From the Kitchen Table, Drew Gallery Projects 1984 -90 poster
From the Kitchen Table, Drew Gallery Projects 1984 -90 poster, 2018

 Exhibition at UCA Canterbury, October - November 2018

Phyllida Barlow, Judith Goddard and Jayne Parker are showing in From the Kitchen Table, Drew Gallery Projects 1984 -90 at UCA Canterbury, New Dover Road, Canterbury, CT1 3AN, from 6 October - 9 November 2018. See

Craft: Phyllida Barlow and Tanya Harrod, explores the social and artistic significance of craft in the 21st century at the Creative Studio, Whitechapel Gallery, 77-82 Whitechapel High Street, London E1 7QX, on Thursday 29 November 2018 at 7pm. See

We Are Humble Servants of the Powers
We Are Humble Servants of the Powers, 2018

Publicity image for Seminar & Sunday Walkology as part of Sharing Borders PhD project

This walk and seminar have been organized by Magdalena Żołędź in support of the PhD student-led symposium Sharing Borders.

9th of December (Sunday), 2-6 pm: SUNDAY WALKOLOGY, meeting at the Tate Modern at 2pm (Bankside, London SE1 9TG). Walkology is a simple participatory methodology of working together while walking on certain route curated to experience something particular in a temporary team and to find issues for common discussion while moving towards an unexpected goal.

11th of December, 10 am: The Slade Lecture Room: presentation of the Studio of the studio methodology by Piotr Kurka, Krzysztof Łukomski & students with a discussion.

Image for Hollywood House
Image for Hollywood House, Cedar Lewisohn, 2018

Cedar Lewisohn: Hollywood House is showing at LUVA (Lock Up Visual Art), behind James Campbell House, Bethnal Green, E2 9QE on Thursday 6 December 2018, from 6.00 - 9.00pm.