
Student and Registry Services


SRS Green Champions win gold!

9 August 2019

SRS Green Champions
Team SRS have done it again. 2019 sees the SRS Green Champions (Rachel Euba, Adam Vidler, Saam Das, Abi Robertson and Chandan Shah) with the help of student Green Impact Project Assistants, achieve gold in the UCL Sustainability Awards.

SRS Green Champions have been promoting positive changes in departmental practices for the 7 years since the UCL Green Impact Workbook and competition began. The competition is adjusted each year to ensure that environmental standards, across UCL, keep improving. Many projects and events take place throughout the year to encourage environmentally sustainable and ethical practice. Smaller individual behaviour changes are equally important! 

Our SRS Green Champions are keen to hear from you - do make contact to share your ideas, to raise your concerns and to let us know what activities you’re already engaged in.