
Student and Registry Services


Staff Student Consultative Committee (SSCC): Submission of any outstanding 2019-20 minutes

26 August 2020

Reminder: Deadline for submission of 2019-20 SSCC minutes – 2 October 2020

SSCC chairs and secretaries are reminded to submit any outstanding 2019-20 minutes by Friday 2 October 2020. The minutes will be reported to the Quality Review Sub-Committee of Education Committee which will consider how well departments are meeting the SSCC requirements. The Student Union and Academic Services would be most grateful if they could be forwarded to the sscc@ucl.ac.uk address.

SSCC minutes should be distributed within the department to ensure student awareness of the hard work that student academic representatives and staff undertake together to enhance their academic experience. It is advisable to post the minutes on-line using either Moodle or the Departmental web-site. They should also be reported to the Departmental Teaching Committee (DTC), to ensure further consideration of relevant matters.

Please note: further information on the reporting of SSCC for 2020-21 will follow soon for SSCC chairs and secretaries.

Contact details for further information: sscc@ucl.ac.uk