
Student and Registry Services


Earlier generation of 2022-23 student assessment records

26 September 2022

Timing and frequency changed to support new Portico processes

The process to generate student module assessment records for the 2022-23 academic session commenced on 23 September this year. This activity will run weekly to process newly approved module selections and update generated records where late amendments have been made. The change in timing and frequency of this activity will support assessments delivered via Assessment UCL early in the term and the new Extenuating Circumstances application process being launched on 3 October.

All modules available for 2022-23 have been set ready for marks to be entered.

Examination Liaison Officers are reminded that marker records need to be created for 2022-23 via Portico to enable staff to enter assessment marks for specified modules.

Further guidance about mark entry is available on the Exam Board Support page.

Contact email for further information: examboards@ucl.ac.uk