
Student and Registry Services


Examination Papers

27 February 2023

Deadlines for submission & Strike Mitigations

Exam Paper requests will be issued to ELOs immediately following the publication of the Final Central Exam Timetable on 27 February.   

The deadline for receipt of papers will be 10 March. 

For In Person Exams: 

  • Please ensure that the information regarding calculators and any other requirements in the exam hall has been updated in the spaces provided on the exam paper cover sheet. 
  • The deadline for papers to be sent for printing by the Central Assessment Team is 10 March.  We ask that wherever possible you adhere to this deadline as papers which miss the printing deadline have a severe impact on our logistics at the ExCel Centre. 
  • Any papers which are not submitted by the deadline, or which need to be revised due to industrial action (please refer to the guidance below) will have to be printed and prepared locally in the department and hand delivered to the Central Assessment team by 5pm Monday 3rd April at the latest. Staff from the Central Assessment Team will be available in our Base Room in the Basement of 169 Euston Road,10am-5pm from 13 March onwards. 

For on-line Exams on AssessmentUCL: 

  • As was the case last year, the Central Assessment Team will be setting up the assessment instances on AssessmentUCL and uploading the question papers.   
  • For those of you who wish to take advantage of a later deadline and load the question papers onto AssessmentUCL yourselves, the deadline will be 3 April.   
  • The Central Assessment Team will retain responsibility for activating the assessments once the papers have been uploaded.  

Mitigations due to Industrial Action 

Please find below the regulations and operational guidance on handling examination papers where the content has been impacted by industrial action: 

  • Adjusting Exam Papers and Assessment Tasks 

The Material Irregularities procedure permits the adjustment of an existing exam paper or assessment as mitigation. This may involve adjusting a question, removing certain questions, removing entire sections, or adjusting the rubric. Where it is agreed that the most appropriate mitigation for missed teaching is to adjust questions or tasks in an examination, this should be applied consistently to the whole cohort of students to ensure that there is parity between students. 

Adjustments to examination papers must be made in line with the operational guidance, detailed below. 

  • Changing the Method of Assessment 

It is anticipated that the vast majority of cases, where not already mitigated by the actions above, can be handled by an adjustment to the module assessment pattern that enables the students to evidence achievement of the majority of the module learning outcomes.  

Adjustments to the assessment pattern could include changes within the existing break down of components, but it could also include rebalancing across the components by removing those deemed unworkable in favour of a new, adjusted assessment task.  

Adjustments to assessment MUST NOT result in the introduction of new centrally managed examinations. 

Operational Guidance for Exam Board Chairs & ELOs 

Changes to examination papers 

  1. In the event of industrial action affecting the Central Assessment Period, the deadline for the submission of assessment papers to the Central Assessment Team will not change. 

  1. Any adjustments that may be required to assessment papers should be made before they are submitted. However, if there is a paper where it is expected there may need to be a change due to industrial action, the Programme Administrator or Examination Liaison Officer responsible should flag this to the Central Assessment Team when the assessment paper is submitted by emailing examinations@ucl.ac.uk indicating the affected modules. 

  1. If a replacement paper is required, this must be submitted to the Central Assessment Team no later than three weeks before the start of the Central Assessment Period. If a replacement paper is not submitted by this date the original paper that has been submitted will be used. 

  1. When submitting a revised paper this MUST be indicated by stating ‘Revised Paper’ on the coversheet. This is to ensure that the correct version is presented to students for their assessment. 

  1. Any assessment papers delivered after this date risk being cancelled, and not run during the Central Assessment Period. Any assessments that are cancelled will need to be run in the department. 

  1. Exam sittings that are removed from the central assessment timetable may be converted to an alternative method of assessment if this method will enable a measure of the same module learning outcomes.  

  1. Please note that corrections on the day of assessment are not permitted. 

  1. The Central Assessment Team can only accept a replacement paper where it is a consequence of industrial action. 

The deadline for receipt of any revised examination papers by the Central Assessment Team will be 3 April.  

Contact details for further information: examinations@ucl.ac.uk