
Student and Registry Services


Timeline for updating the 2024/25 Module Catalogue

23 July 2024

Arrangements for the August 2024 refresh ahead of new student module selection

The 2024/25 Module Catalogue will be refreshed and republished between Monday 19 and Thursday 22 August 2024 to reflect Faculty requirements following the summer exam boards. Although the catalogue will be unavailable during this period, staff will be able to download the equivalent content via Portico using the Module Information Documents task in Curriculum Data Maintenance.

This refresh will ensure that the Module Catalogue contains the latest information about the modules running in 2024/25 and will inform new student module selection which opens on Monday 9 September.

Following the refresh, details about methods of assessment will be displayed using the new Module Catalogue categories below (descriptions will be included in the glossary):

Module Catalogue categories and descriptionsAssessment types

Coursework not otherwise defined. Candidates are given a defined period in which to complete the assessment, but when they undertake the activity within that period is not specified. Assessments must be submitted by the deadline or penalties may apply. Examples include but are not limited to written essays, take-home papers, logs, reflective journals or digital artefacts such as blogs or videos.

CN01: Coursework

HD05: Take-home paper 7 days (departmentally managed)

XD03: Digital artefacts*

Fixed-time remote activity
Candidates are required to complete an assessment within a scheduled and fixed period, either where all the time is allocated for the completion and submission of the assessment or where candidates undertake a timed activity within a longer overarching timeframe. Since candidates complete assessments in non-controlled conditions these activities are not categorised as exams.

BC02: Exam (open book remote online) (centrally managed)

EC03: Exam (remote online) (centrally managed)

ED03: Exam (remote online) (departmentally managed)

HD02: Take-home paper 24 hours (departmentally managed)

HD03: Take-home paper 48 hours (departmentally managed)

HD04: Take-home paper 72 hours (departmentally managed)

Candidates attend a designated venue in-person at a scheduled time and are assessed under controlled conditions. Exams must be completed in a fixed-time period and may be written or online.

EC04: Exam (in person online) (centrally timetabled)

EC05: Exam (in person written) (centrally managed)

ED04: Exam (in person online) (departmentally managed)

ED05: Exam (in person written) (departmentally managed)

In-class activity
In-class activities include assessments such as quizzes, tests, instant reports, class participation.

MD01: MCQ exam (departmentally managed)

TD01: Department test

SD01: Class participation

Clinical, laboratory or practical activity
These assessments are often experiential. They may take place in laboratories, in the field or simulated environments. Students may be assessed in person or online through digital platforms.

ND01: Clinical examination (departmentally managed)

PD01: Practical examination (departmentally managed)

WD01: Laboratory-based work*

KD01: Fieldwork*

Viva or oral presentation
These in-person assessments explore a student’s understanding of one or more topics to demonstrate achievement of learning outcomes.

OD01: Oral examination

OD02: Oral presentation

OE01: Oral examination (included in central timetable)

This assessment category often combines a range of evidence gathered into a coherent whole to demonstrate a student’s achievement of learning outcomes. These assessments often incorporate a reflective commentary.

LD01: Portfolio*

Dissertations, extended projects, and projects
These assessments are distinguished by their longer wordcounts or equivalencies and generally greater credit weighting.

RD01: Journal review departmentally managed

RN01: Report

RN02: Individual project

RN03: Dissertation

Performances and exhibitions
These assessments emphasise audiovisual or similar aspects of delivery and may be in-person or produced through digital or other means.

XD01: Exhibition

XD02: Performance*

Group activity
These assessments emphasise collaborative working and allow students to demonstrate their ability to work as part of a team.

GD01: Group work departmentally managed

GN01: Group project

GN02: Group coursework

GN03: Group presentation

External activity
Activity undertaken away from UCL such as study abroad, placements and internships

YN01: Study abroad*

YN02: Placement*

YN03: Internship*

Other form of assessment
Forms of assessment not otherwise defined

FN01: Overall mark

ZD01: Other departmentally managed

ZN01: Other not scheduled

 * New assessment types for 2024/25

The percentage weightings for assessments will be combined where the new categories are the same. For example:

  • 10% Coursework
  • 20% Coursework
  • 70% Exam

will be displayed as:

  • 30% Coursework
  • 70% Exam

Contact details for further information:

  • Module and diet matters - please add to the ‘Student Records and SLT Enquiry Log’ which can be found on your Student Records and Faculty Team
  • Module catalogue publication - porticogovernance@ucl.ac.uk