Delayed enrolment & Re-enrolment process
21 October 2024
Upcoming deadline for continuing students to re-enrol and process for delayed enrolment & re-enrolment approval.
The deadline for continuing students to re-enrol is Friday, 25 October at 12pm.
Students will be sent re-enrolment reminders weekly including the morning of the 25th October.
For those who will not be able to enrol by this deadline, delayed re-enrolment can be requested using the Delayed Re-Enrolment Form.
Delayed Re-Enrolment requests will be actioned once they have Faculty and, where necessary, Visa Compliance approval. Once these approvals are made, the student will be given a new enrolment deadline, which will be communicated directly to the student and is usually an additional 5 working days unless the student’s situation necessitates longer.
The deadline for new students to enrol has now passed.
New students who experienced exceptional difficulty meeting the enrolment deadline are eligible for delayed enrolment. Departments should contact their Faculty team for access to the delayed enrolment form. Once the form is submitted, it will be reviewed by Bella Malins and/or Visa Compliance colleagues and a decision given.
Once a decision for either process is made, they will be actioned within 24 hours.
Contact email for further information: