
Student and Registry Services


Access to Portico

Students and staff can find out more about gaining access to Portico, including research student management, IRIS access, engagement monitoring, entering module marks and accessing the SITS client.


Students must have completed registration and be in possession of a UCL userid and password to access their Portico account. Full access to the My Studies page will also not be available until the New Student Questionnaire has been completed.

UCL Staff

Staff Requesting Portico Access Level Changes

By logging into Portico and selecting My Portico -> Portico Access -> View your Portico access level, you will be able to see the staff access levels assigned to your account. Click on 'View Levels for this Role' for details of the numeric levels and the corresponding levels of access that have been granted. Click on 'Your Head of Department or their nominated deputy' to see a list of staff members (Your Portico HoDs) who can change your Portico access levels. Some Portico access requires secondary authorisation outside of the above process but, in most cases, this process should provide you with the level of access that is required.

Portico HoDs Making Staff Portico Access Level Changes

You can make changes to Portico access levels for staff in your department from your Portico account by selecting My Portico -> Portico Access -> Amend for your staff. The 'Head of Department' access level is just another Portico access level, hence this same process should be used to assign new Portico HoDs (or revoke the access of former Portico HoDs). Please note: if you wish to amend the Portico access of a staff member outside of your department/faculty, you will need the authorisation of the staff member’s HoD. In such cases, the HoD will need to email their authorisation to itservices@ucl.ac.uk and mark the message for the attention of the ISD.SSS&I team.

Most changes will take effect straight away but Fund Management and Examinations Liaison Officer requests will need to be approved by the Finance and Examinations teams respectively. When you make the request, Portico will receive an automatic notification and seek approval on your behalf.

UCLSelect (processing applications) – To access UCLSelect a user must have a minimal of Level 1 access for at least one of the roles. If UCL Select does not appear as an option on your Portico homepage or in the additional list of applications behind the “+” symbol, please fill out a Portico Access Request Form to arrange this access. To ensure that you have the necessary programme-level access, please complete the UCLSelect Programme – Level Access Request form. Once completed this form will automatically be sent to the to Senior Admissions Officer who oversees your programme. They will let you know when the access request has been procesed.  

C2RS (processing change to registration status requests) – To give staff access to C2RS, go to the C2RS tab in Portico, click ‘search for a user’, enter the staff’s UPI and then set the required access levels. 

Exam Board Processes – Instructions on how Board Administrators and Examination Liaison Officers can grant access to Exam Board Tasks can be found here 

Research Student Management

If you do not see the relevant staff members listed as supervisors in the research management task, they need to be setup by your faculty in the MyHR ‘User Management’ section.  Please contact your Departmental Graduate Tutor or Faculty Graduate Tutor as appropriate. 

IRIS (Institutional Research Information System)

Enrolled students are displayed on Iris only if they are down as having you as their supervisor with the core student records system. Departmental administrators should be able to make these arrangements using the Research Student Management options. 
Please note, IRIS will only display students who are currently enrolled. So any students who have left or are interrupting will not appear under your profile, even if you are shown as being their supervisor on Portico. 

Engagement Monitoring (Post Graduate Students Only) 

This task currently sits outside the main Portico access model, so access needs to be granted separately. Please ask your Head of Department or one of their nominated deputies to email itservices@ucl.ac.uk to request access for you. 

Module marks

To enter module marks, you must:

  • have access levels of 2 or 3 for Awards and Progress
  • be listed as a module tutor
  • or have a Portico marker record

Marker records can be created by the department's Examination Liaison Officer (ELO).

Access to SITS Client

If you work in Student and Registry Services, Finance or a Faculty Admissions Office you may need to have access to the SITS Client application. Please contact your line manager in the first instance to arrange this.