
UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES)


SSEES-ing Poland’s new post-election landscape

18 October 2023, 6:00 pm–8:00 pm

Polish flag in the sky

Please join us for this SSEESing event on Polish parliamentary elections

Event Information

Open to







Room 347
UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies
16 Taviton street

On 15 October Polish voters vote in parliamentary elections, which will see the governing Law and Justice (PiS) party challenged by both a mainstream liberal opposition bloc and from the extreme right by the Konfederacja. Recent developments have seen the PiS government pivot away from earlier steadfast support for Ukraine in a dispute over grain exports as well the re-emergence of migration as an issue generating anti-migrant rhetoric across the political spectrum.

In this roundtable event, analysts and leading academic specialists assess the election results, the course of the campaign, the likely government that may emerge and the potential impact of the election on democracy and the rule of law in Poland; the country’s society and economy; Poland’s place in the EU; and wider European support for Ukraine and its future integration into the European Union.

This event will take place in person and will also be livestreamed online.

Image credit: Canva

About the Speakers

Dr Pawel Bukowski

Assistant Professor of Economics at UCL SSEES

Pawel Bukowksi is Assistant Professor of Economics at UCL-SSEES and a vice-president and founder of an expert group Dobrobyt na Pokolenia (Prosperity for Generations) - a Polish group which has gathered leading young economists with the aim of refreshing the economic debate in Poland. His research interests span labour economics; income and wealth inequality; spatial economics; and the economics of education.

Dr Agnieszka Kubal

Associate Professor at UCL SSEES

Agnieszka Kubal is Associate Professor at UCL-SSEES. She is an interdisciplinary socio-legal scholar with area studies interest in Central and Eastern Europe and Russia. She is the author of Socio-legal Integration. Polish post-2004 EU Enlargement Migrants in the UK (2012, Ashgate/ Routledge) and Immigration and Refugee Law in Russia. Socio-Legal Perspectives (2019, Cambridge University Press). Dr Kubal is currently a Principal Investigator on an UKRI/ERC Starter Grant (2022-2027) ‘Who are the humans behind Human Rights in Eastern Europe and Russia?’.

Prof Aleks Szczerbiak

Professor of Politics at Sussex University

Aleks Szczerbiak is Professor of Politics at the University of Sussex. He focuses on Central and East European politics; the impact of European integration on national politics; parties and electoral politics; transitional justice; and religion and politics. He is author of Poles Together? The Emergence and Development of Political Parties in Post-communist Poland (Central European University Press, 2001), Poland Within the European Union: New Awkward Partner or New Heart of Europe? (Routledge, 2012) and Politicising the Communist Past: The Politics of Truth Revelation in Post-Communist Poland (Routledge 2018). He is currently working on a project on the role of religion in post-communist Polish politics.

Prof Anne White (Chair)

Professor of Polish Studies and Social and Political Science at UCL SSEES

Anne White is Professor of Polish Studies and Social and Political Science at UCL-SSEES. Her research interests are social change in Poland and migration to and from Poland. Her new book, Polish Cities of Migration, investigates Poland’s transition to the status of an ‘immigration country’. Her most recent published books are The Impact of Migration on Poland: EU Mobility and Social Change (co-authored with I. Grabowska, P. Kaczmarczyk and K. Slany, UCL Press, 2018) and Invisible Poles: a Book of Interview Abstracts (co-authored with Kinga Goodwin, UCL Discovery, 2019). She runs the Polish Migration Website.